Whats wrong? Overfertilized?


Hi, i was just messing around with this one , didnt want to buy anything so all i can tell its 30 degrees C a little bit of C02 use
12/12 lights
was fertilizeng from seed :D had organic fertilizers , but when started flowering had only fertilizer npk (2,4-0-7,2) +mikro and some Calcium (not organic)
wattering 1 time 5-7 day 4 littre (for the last 2 times only bottled water)

have no in/out ventilation only cirkulation 2 pc vents...

sorry for bad quality pictr

top leaves is a bit yellow and bended down

edit: and using heavy harvest 10-20-20 mixed with soil dont reali remember how much :P
damn and sorry for the wrong thread



last fertilizer content %
N 2,4
N-NO3 2,3
P203 1,8
K20 7,2
MG 0,6
S 0,9
B 0,002
CU 0,001
FE 0,08
MN 0,01
MO 0,0002
ZN 0,006

i used it with Ca fert content
% :
Ca 2,2
N 1,8
N-NO3 1,8


Well-Known Member
Feeding way to much and not in proper portions???

looks like nitrogen toxicity from that one pic, would need more (and better) pics to be sure???


Well-Known Member
I would give her a good flush and get your ventilation in order (very important variable)

After she recovers from the flush start her on a "good" nute regimen (by that I mean balanced) 1/4 strength per instructions