Whats wrog with my baby?

im hardly experienced enough to debate with you on the soil stretching thing lol. im sure u have way more grows under you belt then me. humor me ad type it up. you might see things there that can explain what i am trying to say better then me. but i know for a fact i stretched my plant with the lighting and now i fixed it so what u all are seeing isnt the plant stretching now its recovering. i have 6 1000 watt cfls at very close range. but as far as the leaf curling i didnt know what the problem was. but a few mate on here gave me a few things i could be doing wrong and i think they are rite. the old girl dosnt seem to be draining properly. i have her an a mop bucket with very few holes. thanks for helping me
thankkkkkk you. i didnt want to come off as an A hole. it seems as though a few ppl didnt see the post when i explained that i had a lighting problem and what they are seeing is my plant recovering from bad stretching. i have since fixed my lighting problem. but they seem to keep trying to ram down my throat that my problem is lights when we are talking about leaf curling and a watering problem. i am tired of explaining my lighting situation

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Dude you're on the right track. Forget the stretching, it's a non-issue. Anyone who will tell you that soil causes stretching has never grown a plant to maturity, and you just have to take a lot of what you read here and ask yourself if it makes sense.
yeah i am going to put some big ol holes in the pot/bucket soon as i jump off of the net. i knew it was taking to long to dry out. boy o boy these plants are worst then children. u almost have a type of telepathy to keep them safe and warm. u have to know whats wrong with out the so called spelling it out for u. but i enjoy growing i think it keeps me sharp and in touch with my invisible senses lmao thank you for taking time out for my baby and i.


Yeah, get some holes in there. Big ones. 3/8 in to 1/2 in or so.
Here is a first since I've been here, I've never told anyone this before and I'll try not to be rude, but Tayway510, you need to be doing a lot more reading and a lot less posting. At least until you get some experience under your belt.
all u no is i just joined with RIU. how the fuck do u no if i ever grew b4.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
all u no is i just joined with RIU. how the fuck do u no if i ever grew b4.
When you tell someone their leaves are drooping because of the lights being too far or because of a lack of lumens, it's a general indicator that you are shooting in the dark. I never said you haven't grown, I just said you need to have more experience, especially in the area in which you are giving advice.
I'm being nice by leaving the spelling, grammar and vocabulary alone!


your really prejudice if you can judge someone by their typing. ITS THE INTERNET! you will be the only one using commas and perfect grammar.
im sorry let me type on microsoft word real quick"," so i can impress mr big shot on the internet.


Well-Known Member
your really prejudice if you can judge someone by their typing. ITS THE INTERNET! you will be the only one using commas and perfect grammar.
im sorry let me type on microsoft word real quick"," so i can impress mr big shot on the internet.
12 posts sounds about right, that's your age as well I imagine. Jack happens to be one of the few left around here that knows his shit.


so until i get a million post then someone can take my advice.
o.ok starting to learn how this website works.
newcomers know nothing guys so don't listen to a damn thing they say.
riiiiiiiiiiight. ur comparing my grow to post rofl u guys are loosers.