Whats wrog with my baby?

WELL when i first started growing it was streacthed the first 2 weeks . im using cfl's it just started filling in. so i know thats not the prob. plus i used mg soil. and thats know for strecthing


Well-Known Member
Look like over watering and also you need more wattage of you using cfl. If it takes four days for the soil to begin drying out then the plant isn't drinking enough. It's not drinking enough because it needs more lumens. Start supplementing with some more red spectrum bulbs for flowering.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
WELL when i first started growing it was streacthed the first 2 weeks . im using cfl's it just started filling in. so i know thats not the prob. plus i used mg soil. and thats know for strecthing
Stretching is caused by the plant reaching for light that is too far away. Soil or nutrients play no part in that. Get the bulbs closer to the top and sides.

Look like over watering and also you need more wattage of you using cfl. If it takes four days for the soil to begin drying out then the plant isn't drinking enough. It's not drinking enough because it needs more lumens. Start supplementing with some more red spectrum bulbs for flowering.

PR is right for the most part. The spectrum you have is fine for this grow, but it looks like the roots aren't drying out. What kind of container are they in? Is there adequate drainage in the bottom of the pot?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Yeah, when you see a ~grin~, that would indicate one of Cn's wry attempts at humor!! (J/K Cn. Who's yer buddy, who's yer pal? LOL)
WELL, im almost sure i have enough wattage. i had a problem with wattage when the plants where every young. but i corrected the problem and its starting to fill in now. so as far as stretching its recovering. and it is known that certain brands of soil including mg can cause early stretching. BUT, as far the drainage u might be on to somthing. i have a mop bucket tha i put holes into. so i think i might need to put more holes. i was wondering why the soil would take to long to dry. it drains when i water it, but it must not be enough holes for air circulation and draining over time.. so im think put more holes????? ps thanks so much for you time you all. i really appreciate this advice
i wasnt defensive. what are u talking about ???? what i said to him in reply was jokingly. what crawled up your butt? . maybe u read it with the wrong emotion. he got me good it was funny. i didnt even notice i miss spelled the title. i dont think he needs help defending him self. it wasnt an attack anyway...NOW back to the plant?


Ursus marijanus
Yeah, when you see a ~grin~, that would indicate one of Cn's wry attempts at humor!! (J/K Cn. Who's yer buddy, who's yer pal? LOL)
Heh, there is no Try; there is only Doo. ~Yoda grin~

Misscaptainkirk, I asked about humidity because sometimes in very low RH a weed plant will defensively shut its stomata, causing the soil to (paradoxically) stay wet. I have no idea if this applies in your case. I'm playing with increasing RH in my grow area at this time ... cn


its your lights. they are either too far or not enough watts. and u can just water less. u post up for advice yet not taking any.


Active Member
Stretching is not caused by nutrients, and certainly not by soil types. I have used mg on countless occasions and actually never seen overstretching in my plants. When using cfl's you basically need the bulbs almost on the plants or they WILL stretch. Im not doubting that you have enough watts but cfl's have horrible intensity at range. After 4" you start to lose lumens exponentially, many people would even say 3".

Also what kind of soil mix are you using? Should almost never take so long to dry.

Anyways Happy Growin' ;)

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Yeah, get some holes in there. Big ones. 3/8 in to 1/2 in or so.
Here is a first since I've been here, I've never told anyone this before and I'll try not to be rude, but Tayway510, you need to be doing a lot more reading and a lot less posting. At least until you get some experience under your belt.
sorry i missed the humidty question. it must be low because the water dosnt seem to be evaporating correctly. there isnt alot of heat in there. its about 70 on average. i dont have a humidity meter
why do u say im not taking advice??? thats very weird of you lmao. i havnt got a chance to do anything about the problem yet because i just posted this asking for help. as far as the lights. im sure i have enough now. i didnt ask a lighting or stretching question. i already knew i had that problem so i fixed it hun. i have 6 100 watt clfs on one plant very close, some so close the hood of the lamp is touching the plant. once again as far as stretching. my plant is RECOVERING from that. so that is what you guys see in the picture. my question is about the leaf curling and a watering question. watering and drainage seems to be in the rite direction of my prob we are trying to figure out the best treatment for it now. i am listening. if you dont believe me i cant help u. im sorry for the miss understanding.
yeah i think i have done a bad job on drainage i have her in a mop bucket that i added a holes to. but as i see its not nearly enough holes. and i think the plant if suffering from that. thanks. maybe i will try and get a pic of the bucket and holes up here. thanks so much for taking the time to try and hlep me out.