Whats with the molasses


Well-Known Member
Can someone please tell me why i keep reading that people are mixing molasses with their nutes?


Well-Known Member
I think it adds phosphorus???? which I think aids the creation of essential oils in the flowers..... as you can guess I am not real solid on this..... WAIT , someone will add to this ,or call me a fuckin idiot , whichever comes first.


Well-Known Member
Some people add molasses toward the end of their grow, the sugars in it helps the buds fatten up, and its cheaper than buying some nutrients that are suppose to do the same thing, myself I don't use it because I have a hydro setup and don't want to run the risk of gumming up my works, but alot of people that grow in soil use it and love it.


Well-Known Member
:-PThanks, my next question is how close to the end do you start using it and do you stop at the same time you stop your nutes and begin your flush?


Well-Known Member
i just started flowering and every once in a while i use it with my nutes, im sure it cant hurt. Those sugars got to be used for something


Active Member
Besides the nutrients, molasses (the carbs) help the microherd in breaking down nutrients in the soil, and as a chelating agent.


Well-Known Member
yeah,i was told it works good to,all the peaple i talked to said they use it from week 2 all the way till flushing time(1-2 weeks before harvest)


Active Member
If you're growing in soil, it's really great for your soil box. You can break down all sorts of organic matter, and it really gets the soil smelling rich, because it makes the soil rich. Really great stuff.