Whats this contaminaton!!????


Well-Known Member
baught a ounce, inspected weed, looked great smells nice, well grown!!! rolled a phat one smoked 1 burn it went out, lit it smoked 1 out again blah blah

the ash was strange to me, black n hard, i rubbed it and it went like shoe polish, WAT THE FUCK IS THIS!!! im gonna have to reach for the balacalva , baseball bat!!!! dealer is gettin iut!!!


Well-Known Member
are you sure its not just all super resiny i got some shit once that started being all resiny before the bowl was cash


Well-Known Member
nope im sure its been fcuked with!!!! i had a look on the net no body seems to know what it is , yet people seem to of had it all ober the country!! im thinkin its government!!


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like it was indoor bud grown with no flushing done to it before harvest. Does it crackle and pop when you first burn it? Ash is black as coal? Doesn't stay lit worth a shit? all signs of bud grown with too many nutrients and no flushing done before harvest.


Well-Known Member
im nto stupid MORON!!! its not wet , its grown well smells nice, looks good, and dont smoke, the ash goes hard, black and when rubbed between fingers n thumb it goes to a oily substance!!! FUCK KNOWS

Howards Alias

Well-Known Member
It's a new form of Gritweed. Apparently it's been sprayed with an industrial floor polish/wax, I'd advise not to smoke it mate.


Well-Known Member
im nto stupid MORON!!! its not wet , its grown well smells nice, looks good, and dont smoke, the ash goes hard, black and when rubbed between fingers n thumb it goes to a oily substance!!! FUCK KNOWS
Wow chill out bro! Smoke some of that wet um I mean black shit :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
got some blueberry now thank fuck, i gave the ounce back, anyhow, but there similar stuff going around, befor ei buy i inspect now, thanx, for tellin me its wet, or im paranoid......idiot


Active Member
hey rookie you just smoke a Primo. A fuckn coke blunt you idiot, thats how ashes get when you roll up a coke blunt. Crak head


Well-Known Member
lol, im gald u know that coz i actually didnt, img lad u know what a crack pipe looks liek, so whos the crack head , Me, or some random crack head, who share his pipe with his mother hahahahahahah sucker


Active Member
Did it smell like matches being lit (sulphur) when u smoked it? I had some that tasted like u were inhaling match smoke, was told later that "coke" had been sprayed on it, I thought coca-cola (dried on sugars to make the bud sparkle?) but maybe not.


Well-Known Member
nah it but it didnt taste right mate, was offff key!!! why ruin your crop with sh1t its just not right it not as if it weighed muhc the ounce was huge!!!!!


Active Member
obviously you people in the states (which i presume your from) havent had this kind of trouble us people from the uk are getting with our skunk... many forms of contamination, either sprayed or induced while growing. what you describe tells me your smoking what we call over here to be "hard ash" basically its sprayed with some form of substance, mostly heard its silicone based, which comes in many forms. this is all a big time operation to increase profit. imagine adding 10% weight to a ton of mary thats what these people are doing.

in future inspect your bud throughly, smell touch even taste, they have many tell tale signs of contamination. Eg... hard ash as i like to call it, taste the bud if you get a tingly sensation on the tongue, then its contaminated. hope this helps for future reference. (main reason why im growing myself, too much of that crap going around london)


Active Member
"everyday im hustlin hustlin, hustle real hard hustle hustle real hard", ur just a rookie bro know ur connect u fuking idiot i hustle both but only smoke n i know wat niggas do to come up n get yall lil dumbasses to come back. All buisness n u would go bak too u fool. craked out ass niga. i woulda done the same to u young buck`


Well-Known Member
obviously you people in the states (which i presume your from) havent had this kind of trouble us people from the uk are getting with our skunk... many forms of contamination, either sprayed or induced while growing. what you describe tells me your smoking what we call over here to be "hard ash" basically its sprayed with some form of substance, mostly heard its silicone based, which comes in many forms. this is all a big time operation to increase profit. imagine adding 10% weight to a ton of mary thats what these people are doing.

in future inspect your bud throughly, smell touch even taste, they have many tell tale signs of contamination. Eg... hard ash as i like to call it, taste the bud if you get a tingly sensation on the tongue, then its contaminated. hope this helps for future reference. (main reason why im growing myself, too much of that crap going around london)
Yeah some growers are putting little glass beads on their buds in the UK, not cool. Here in the states nobody takes the time to mess with it like that it must have to do with dome kind of grow/crime syndicate in the UK. Here in the states most indoor growers are independent operations or only have loose affiliations with the mob.