I'm hoping these are beneficial or predatory and stay away from the plant itself. I'm about 2 weeks from harvest right now. I recently dropped a TON of leaves as I saw thrips appear at the best time (jk) so I'm hoping the defoliating removed a lot or enough to get me to harvest since spraying isn't an option in my organic grow. My guess is the bugs in the pics, based on my research, are Hypoaspis Miles. They range from mostly milky white to orange in color although the ones I've seen in videos move very quickly and these seem to be much slower. Plants seem happy and uneffected by whatever they are which leads me to believe they're no harm. If they are a positive I'd like to mix some of this soil back into my next batch of super soil and keep them around. Any ideas on the bug or would you say I'm most likely right in it being HM?