What's the worst idea you've ever had stoned?

I was on a solo nature walk (wandering aimlessly in the forest) taking pictures of a creek and small waterfall when I decided to see if I could get cool pictures from atop an adjacent bluff. So after finding a way up and taking 10-15 pictures in which you couldn't see shit, and burning another bowl I started looking for a faster way down than the route I took to get up. While standing close to the edge with a walking stick that would have made Gandolf proud I lost my footing and went ass over tea kettle down the face of the cliff and into the creek.


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Years ago I was moving several large pot plants across town and didn't take the time to check all my lights on the vehicle first. I made ok without being pulled over. Later on I discovered I had a front headlight out on the car.


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A few friends and i were camping at a beach on the north shore years ago for some longboard surfing, we got lit the fuck up trying to have some fun in the AM. We had this inflatable 6 man boat that we kept trying to catch these huge ass 10ft waves for shits and giggles with 5 of us piled up in it. After our 5th wave we caught a bad set and wasnt able to paddle past this huge wave in time, we ended up smacking the face of a huge wave and backflipped throwing all 5 of us in the air smacking into each other on the way down then getting tumbled into a pretzel in a wave before coming back up from the deep. I hit my friends knee very very hard with my arm and dislocated my shoulder instantly, when i hit his knee, his ankle hit the side of the upside down boat and sliced open his ankle from an open diving knife tied to the side of the boat all because i fell into him while 10ft in the air. Then 3 of my half dead huffing and puffing friends had to paddle our sorry asses back to shore lol, when my adrenaline wore off, i definetly started to feel this needle feeling turn into a severe aching pain and ended up at the hospital and had to wait 3 fucking hours before 3 people had to pop my shoulder back in. These were fucking monstrous waves and we caught a few which was fun as hell lmao, a 10ft wave in hawaii is measured from the back (same size would be considered a 20ft wave in cali).


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One time we got high and thought it be fun to hop in my car and drive around paint balling cars, well long story short we were driving along and noticed a helicopter above us and as we're arguing wether or not the chopper is following us we notice a cop car behind us, so we decide to turn into this street where our other friend lives and go to his house sure enough we get lit up right after we make the turn, I'll never forget im lookin at the 1 cop in my rear view mirror and turn to my buddy and tell him to put the paintball gun away and when I look back through the mirror there was like 6 cop cars all out with theyr guns drawn yelling at us to get out of the car ( this is called a felony stop I guess the other 5 cops were set up down the street before we made the turn) so all three of us stick out hands out the window and slowly get out of the car get on out knees and lay face to the ground within seconds there's a cop standing over me with a gun to my head , after a couple minutes of them searching the car and realizing it was a paintball gun everything was cool the cops were laughing with us cause my buddy in the passenger seat fired the gun in the car and there was paint everywhere hah, I guess someone called the cops and said they saw a barrel of a gun pointing out the car...ultimately they let us go cause we told them we were on our way to a paintball competition and getting our guns ready in the car and I think they took the paintball gun, this is just one of many stupid things we did
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Me and a couple friends chopped blocks of ice in a pond and had a game of hillbilly hopscotch it was pretty fun until the ice got wet and I slipped got my balls and all soaked in ice cold water.
A few friends and i were camping at a beach on the north shore years ago for some longboard surfing, we got lit the fuck up trying to have some fun in the AM. We had this inflatable 6 man boat that we kept trying to catch these huge ass 10ft waves for shits and giggles with 5 of us piled up in it. After our 5th wave we caught a bad set and wasnt able to paddle past this huge wave in time, we ended up smacking the face of a huge wave and backflipped throwing all 5 of us in the air smacking into each other on the way down then getting tumbled into a pretzel in a wave before coming back up from the deep. I hit my friends knee very very hard with my arm and dislocated my shoulder instantly, when i hit his knee, his ankle hit the side of the upside down boat and sliced open his ankle from an open diving knife tied to the side of the boat all because i fell into him while 10ft in the air. Then 3 of my half dead huffing and puffing friends had to paddle our sorry asses back to shore lol, when my adrenaline wore off, i definetly started to feel this needle feeling turn into a severe aching pain and ended up at the hospital and had to wait 3 fucking hours before 3 people had to pop my shoulder back in. These were fucking monstrous waves and we caught a few which was fun as hell lmao, a 10ft wave in hawaii is measured from the back (same size would be considered a 20ft wave in cali).
Hahaha that's fucking awesome.
I guess I should have left it more open because I have done quite a few foolish things while stoned, but that list pales in comparison to the stupid shit I've done back when I used to drink. So if you'd like to include drunken idea stories those are welcome as well.