What's the problem here?


Well-Known Member
Peace. This is a small grow and I am using (2) 23W cfl's at the moment. she is 18 days old (LA CONFIDENTIAL ufo from attitude). The medium is a peat based Pro Mix BX with about 2% perlite & !% dolemite added to it. I have also added a fert to the soil called Rainbow Mix GROW (5-5-2) at the rate of 4tbsp per gallon of soil (2 gal grow bag). the leaves are looking like a burn or something but the fert that was added was an organic one and then I also added dolemite to it as well. The Rainbow mix grow nutes are 5-5-2 and I was thinking that it was a K (potassium) issue because of the low amount of K in the fert and the fact that the breeders say that the La confidential is a heavy eater. the tips also feel crispy to the touch and they are turning color. any advice would be ggreatly appreciated and repped accordingly.


BTW : The spots on the leaves are from misting under thelights and nothing else. I havee since ended this practice as it never ends right for me. even under CFL's!!!!



Well-Known Member
what size pots are they in, and whats ur ph
Peace. The post actually said the pot size, but I have no problem repeating it for those who may not have caught it. SHE is in a 2 Gallon Growbag and the pH is 7.0-7.3. The Pro Mix had dolemite in it and I added a cup (8 oz) to it as well. The pH could be the problem but wouldn't it even itself out after a few waterings since it has dolemite in the pro mix and I added another cup of it to the mix? She still hasn't dried out since the original transplant when I put the pellet into the soil (Jiffy #7 peat pellets). The look is as if someone splashed it with acid because of the melted look with the discoloration. I have seen it before and I didn't figure it out then so now I must ask. I trust this helps you to help me. Thanks in advance for the concern and the anticipated solution or idea in which to handle it.


:leaf::leaf: PEACE:leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
sorry didnt see the pot size at first, and ur ph is to high it should be between 6.3-6.8, also to get a neatrul ph for ur soil flush with 6 gallons of phed water around 6.5 and always check the ph of whatever u r watering with nutes and ferts can raise and lower the ph in water, and im not sure on the dolimite


Well-Known Member
sorry didnt see the pot size at first, and ur ph is to high it should be between 6.3-6.8, also to get a neatrul ph for ur soil flush with 6 gallons of phed water around 6.5 and always check the ph of whatever u r watering with nutes and ferts can raise and lower the ph in water, and im not sure on the dolimite
PEACE. Not to be or sound ungrateful but I never heard of having a pH of 6.3-6.8 in soil or soiless mediums only hydro. Now since I did add the dolemite which is supposed to neutralize the soil anyway how do I lower the pH? With the dolemite I believe that it will stablize it to 7.0 anyway regardless. So how would one get the pH lowered? Do you mean to water with 6.3-6.8 water and nutes? If not than how would I get to lower the pH of the soiless mix (pro mix) that I am working with?

Thanks for the reply. BE SAFE AND KEEP IT GREEN



Well-Known Member
Are you spraying or foilar feeding your plants? Cause that looks like light burn.

PEACE. I am not doing anything now but I had misted her in the beginning until I had the spots show up. Thanks for the eye on that but it was the leaf tips that I was speaking about. The tan looking spots on the leaf are due solely to light burns from misting her under the lights. Look a bit closer at the pictures...see the leaf tips and how they look like I splashed acid on them? That's what I am speaking about. Where it looks like it is starting to yellow out or the color is fading. Thanks for the concern.




Well-Known Member
PEACE. Not to be or sound ungrateful but I never heard of having a pH of 6.3-6.8 in soil or soiless mediums only hydro. Now since I did add the dolemite which is supposed to neutralize the soil anyway how do I lower the pH? With the dolemite I believe that it will stablize it to 7.0 anyway regardless. So how would one get the pH lowered? Do you mean to water with 6.3-6.8 water and nutes? If not than how would I get to lower the pH of the soiless mix (pro mix) that I am working with?

Thanks for the reply. BE SAFE AND KEEP IT GREEN

no hydro i believe is some where between 5 and six for ph. im sure on the ph 6.3-6.8, and they have ph upper and downer at grow shops, or if low on cash just look up how to raise and lower the ph on google i think to raise u use bakingsoda and i forgot what lowers it, and yes water with 6,3-6.8 ph water and nutes cuz before i add nutes to my water the ph isat 6.5 and when i add certain nutes it makes th ph drop down to like 4 so i have to raise it back up


Well-Known Member
no hydro i believe is some where between 5 and six for ph. im sure on the ph 6.3-6.8, and they have ph upper and downer at grow shops, or if low on cash just look up how to raise and lower the ph on google i think to raise u use bakingsoda and i forgot what lowers it, and yes water with 6,3-6.8 ph water and nutes cuz before i add nutes to my water the ph isat 6.5 and when i add certain nutes it makes th ph drop down to like 4 so i have to raise it back up
PEACE. Thanks for the heads up. I think the problem has to do with the pH as well becasue I just finished checking it and it is at 8! I don't kknow how it is at 8 because I haven't added anything as of yet, besides the organic fert that was put in the begining mix. the fact that I added the dolemite is supposed to buffer the pH and bring it down to 7 or up to it. I may just have to water because she hasn't had any since the initial transplant and I think she is near due but still not for some days. Anyway thanks for the reply.
