What's the newest LED setup?

Sure he had a boner while making the video, he was hell of excited.

Not hot spots for sure like some board designs.

Looks like sticking with 3.5k he loves, 4 array diode on each strip.

No mixing of colour temps, or a hint of deep red or far red. No LG UVA diodes that now seem to be the next rage in the added strip channel.
Better design. As you can add them yourself if you're a spectrum snob want The Full Monty.

Not bad Shane. Lockdown worked out for some
I guess you missed the latest Grand Master Level Show. They spent the first 15 minutes explaining how ChillLED lied in their reports.

Glad someone is putting the truth out there. Nice to know what you’re actually spending money on.
Qeekbeast from qeeklight is also good option from Alibaba.. you can get all those fancy bluetooth adjustments.. you can dim and timer ur lights with phone.. but it all depends ur grow area what is best for you qeekbeast is made for 4x4