well i got a couple quick stories, one about me and one about a friend,
so ill start off with the friend.... so its me, my brother and a friend/neighbor of ours, so i break out my newest bong, we pack only 2 bowls in a half gram bowl. our friend takes a ridiculous hit that instantly makes him start coughing and gagging (btw we were smokin grandaddy

), so we have him try to walk to our deck and take a seat but we have to basically carry him up because he said his head was on fire and he couldnt see straight lol, about 20 minutes after he sat down he starts pukin all over our deck lol, so we let him crash on our couch, and he doesnt even move until like 26 hours later of pure sleep lol... and he had only smoked 6 or 7 times before that time lol
now for mine... so i was about 14 when i first started smoking and it was like mid july and im over at a friends house, its about 5 of us outside in her garage, we had some cheap bowl that she bought a few weeks ago, so me not knowing shit about weed at the time i just keep smoking off of every bowl they pack, idk how many exactly, but it had to be a good 10 or 11 bowls, so once we finished i didnt think i felt that high till i tried to stand up and i fell right back into my seat and stayed there for about 4 hours staring at the tools on her wall and then drank a 12 pack of cream soda and passed out for a good 18 hours, i felt like i was on another planet, my eyes were completely bloodshot, i had the most horrid cotton mouth of my life and couldnt talk without laughing, BUT MY GODDDD IT WAS GREAT!!! lol, i wish i could hit that point again without smoking an outrageous amount haha.