What's The Highest Youve Been


Well-Known Member
at the moment im fucking whacked on sour d and a bunch of perc 15's,I been throwing up cause im so fucked up.


Well-Known Member
And this fucking humidity/heat and the 4 locos aint helping.I think im gonna go grab some zanies once I stop puking.


Active Member
Couple months ago I was working on some super potent CannaOil with some prime trim i've been saving. first 12h infusion was meh, took one tbsp and it didnt do much so I decided to re-infuse the same oil, 24h this time. Took 1 tbsp and got about the same buzz as the first test. In hindsight, sometimes my anxiety makes it hard for me to feel high with cannabis.
Not sure why I then did what I did, but there was this survival show on at the time with some guy saying the anus is tops for absorbing shit, so I tried a cannaOIl enema. 2 tbsp in about a quart of water.
Completely lost it. i was sitting on the toilet evacuating, laughing hysterically with tears rolling down my cheeks for who knows how long. it was a moment of pure euphoria I've never experienced before. That said, i had loose stools for a month and felt sickly for about a week so wont be trying that again.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it was always funner when your young ....me and the buddies use to get blitzed before certain church events mainly youth stuff....I remember those days driving felt like flying a spaceship and the occasional bird smiling at me .....good times


Well-Known Member
I remember one time I was so high we were sitting in my buddy's kitchen talkin to his mom n I was kinda zoning out n heard her say " you guys should go to wet n wild to beat the heat" n out of nowhere I said "dain would go to wet n wild n beat his meat"....there was a dead silence for a couple seconds n everyone busted out laughing


Well-Known Member
So high you feel like your head is attached with a tiny thread, like a balloon sitting on top of the knot. (I'm so high I've probably posted that very sentiment already in this thread)



Undercover Mod
One time I thought someone broke into my place and stole my lamp. Then I realized I had just moved it to the other side of the room.