Whats the closest you have been to death?


Well-Known Member
Me my 3 brothers all in a car being chased by the police, btw oldest brother is driving the car and me and other 2 brothers are like what the fuck!! we were only getting a lift home (5 min drive) any way older brother decides to ditch the nice smooth road for a huge steep hill on a fukin golf course! the car took off 3 times, landing on 3 greens on the way down ripping em to bits, next thing we hit a huge tree head on and we were going fast, fuk knows how but we all manged to ditch the car and do one, i remember looking back up the hill whilst running off and the police car was right at the top of the hill on the road, they just stoped n watched us, prob thinking wtf lol, i thought i was history its funny now but that could of turned out a lot worse


Well-Known Member
four hits of acid, no power steering, no power brakes, no headlights, and a hour car ride in the dark....i still wonder how i made it.

btw - no more acid for willie


Well-Known Member
the strangest thing is, seconds from impact before what ever crazy shit you got yourself into, time seems to slow down, ive had about 3 close shaves and each time, its been the same, might sound like crazy shit, but thats how i recall these events


Close calls on my street bike, car, dirtbike.

Being held at gunpoint is by far the worst. Because the rest of your life is staring straight at you, deciding if it should let you keep going or not.



Well-Known Member
was standing on my chimney that is connected to my shed which unfortually collapsed due to my weight(im not fat)


Well-Known Member
Had a 106 fever. Blacked out and woke up like an hour later half naked encased in cold shit. Doc said I was 5 mins away from going into shock.


Well-Known Member
car crash for me too, frst time id ever been in a stolen vehicle i didnt want to get in but was stuck miles away from home with no phone. safe to say i wouldnt ever do it again, ive got a scar spanning my forehead and my ear was ripped in two i was lucky though, although everyone survived the crash there were broken backs and necks


Well-Known Member
doing street racing down back roads hit gravel around a turn slide sideways hit a bush which launched my car into 4 rolls finally landing on my roof.

*it really helps to relax in an accident*


Well-Known Member
Fell 2o feet on big ass rocks while jumping along rocks,almost hit my dome but put my arm out and broke that instead.I had a friend who made a similiar fall and didnt make it

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Whats the closest you have been to death?
About 36". I had a dinner date with death last night. Death was famished and so was I. I had the scallops with ginger & mushroom, death had the chicken sambal. Death & I shared a pot of jasmine tea and two bowls of steamed rice. Then I bid death adieu and drove home.

Death caught a train to St Marys. Death phoned me later to let me know there were no problems getting home, except for having to knock a couple of teenage boys onto the rails as the 9:13 passed. It's hard being death.