Canada's impaired driving laws just got a huge and controversial overhaul — here's what you should k

Thursday morning at 845 (:
Sobriety test at 9..

...blood work at 915..

sobriety test again right after blood work.

Papers signed with test results stating NO IMPAIRMENT with what ever # they find,

I'm going to wager 400 ng/l minimum. anyone else? I hope I'm wrong.
Thursday morning at 845 (:
Sobriety test at 9..

...blood work at 915..

sobriety test again right after blood work.

Papers signed with test results stating NO IMPAIRMENT with what ever # they find,

I'm going to wager 400 ng/l minimum. anyone else? I hope I'm wrong.
That is brilliant!.....gotta say gb, every once in a while I am impressed.
That is brilliant!.....gotta say gb, every once in a while I am impressed.
This idea would be great for a national " show-em what's what "
1: Go in with no smoke for that day..get tested...log number
2: Ask for a field sobriety test by a DRE
3: Go out puff some fatties...dabb....get tested....log number
4: Get sobriety tested again now.

Ask them why am I not impaired now then?
I was at my Dr yesterday for my renewal. I brought up my concerns about the new impaired driving laws. Dr goes on to say “ if you vape or smoke resting levels of thc would be below 2 ng after 4 hours. And if you eat an edible it will take 6”. Lol. I said nothing and thanked him for signing my paperwork.

Whst a fucking moron. Clearly has no fucking clue. The edibles I take dont really even kick in full untill around 4-5 hours.
This idea would be great for a national " show-em what's what "
1: Go in with no smoke for that day..get tested...log number
2: Ask for a field sobriety test by a DRE
3: Go out puff some fatties...dabb....get tested....log number
4: Get sobriety tested again now.

Ask them why am I not impaired now then? smoke, get roadside testing, blood test, retest on the roadside testing...I want to know how much is is my blood ASAP....not hours later because im not waiting hours to drive.....and the cops can't know why bias.
Thursday morning at 845 (:
Sobriety test at 9..

...blood work at 915..

sobriety test again right after blood work.

Papers signed with test results stating NO IMPAIRMENT with what ever # they find,

I'm going to wager 400 ng/l minimum. anyone else? I hope I'm wrong.

Who is going to administer the sobriety test? Is it your Dr. as well? What test would they use in that case? Pretty sure if I asked my Dr. to administer a sobriety test he might use one that is used for alcohol. Which I guess is fine, I'm just curious in case I decide to get it done as well..
Who is going to administer the sobriety test? Is it your Dr. as well? What test would they use in that case? Pretty sure if I asked my Dr. to administer a sobriety test he might use one that is used for alcohol. Which I guess is fine, I'm just curious in case I decide to get it done as well..
The GP of course..
same test police use for impairment.
One before the tests and one after.
Field Sobriety Test and other symptoms of being drunk
To determine if you have been drinking, the police look for specific symptoms including slurred speech, red watery eyes, and the odor of alcohol on your breath and clothes. If the police detect any of these they will likely ask you to exit your vehicle and conduct a field sobriety test.

The field sobriety test is usually conducted at the scene where you were stopped by the police. The field sobriety test usually includes a series of simple physical and mental tests such as:

  • Nystagmus test, which checks the eyes for lateral or horizontal jerking when the eye gazes to the side.
  • recite the alphabet forward and backwards
  • stand feet together, arms at sides, tilt head back, close eyes, and count to 30, then open eyes and drop head back down
  • stand and listen to instructions, then walk in a straight line, turn around, and walk back towards the officer
  • stand with your feet together, tip your head back, close your eyes, and touch your nose with the tip of your index finger as directed by the officer
Remember that when taking a field sobriety test, all your actions are being recorded by the officer and possibly by a camera mounted in the police cruiser. Stay calm, polite, and respectful throughout the ordeal.

The problem with all of the field sobriety tests is that you could fail one or more of the tests as a result of some other physical or mental condition unrelated to your sobriety, or due to nerves or anxiety. Failed sobriety tests do not determine whether a person is, or is not, under the influence. If you did submit to a field sobriety test, write down all the tests you did and how you performed as soon as you can after the arrest. Here are 17 questions you should answer and provide to your DUI Lawyer.

  • recite the alphabet forward and backwards ............after you occifer!
  • lol
Nystagmus test, which checks the eyes for lateral or horizontal jerking when the eye gazes to the side.
Due to an accident years ago, my right eye doesn't point in the same direction as my left and is perpetually bloodshot and watering. Can't do that one.
  • stand feet together, arms at sides, tilt head back, close eyes, and count to 30, then open eyes and drop head back down
  • stand and listen to instructions, then walk in a straight line, turn around, and walk back towards the officer
  • stand with your feet together, tip your head back, close your eyes, and touch your nose with the tip of your index finger as directed by the officer
I have end stage OA in my right knee, and a deteriorating hip and left knee. Can't do any of those either.
Due to an accident years ago, my right eye doesn't point in the same direction as my left and is perpetually bloodshot and watering. Can't do that one.

I have end stage OA in my right knee, and a deteriorating hip and left knee. Can't do any of those either.
I tried the tilting head backwards....I felt like I couldn't find my balance right away...I dint stumble or anything, just took me a bit to re-orient in time and