What's it like living in a legal state/country?

Having to buy non-cured weed is analogous to torture, that's nuts. Maybe you could cure it yourself after the fact?

The rec stuff here in WA is definitely cured and bomb. It has a 'harvested on date' many times, 2 of the kinds I bought this week were harvested in January (2 diff batches of GSC)

I'll post some pics of stuff I've strictly gotten from WA rec:
Cherry Pie and GSC were $12/gram tax included

Forget the prices on these - they were from bigger bags. The top one is Cinex and the bottom one is Dutch Treat.
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To get the ball rolling I'll explain what it's like in my ILLEGAL country. Australia.
If you want the complete statistical break down, here's where Australia's currently at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabis_in_Australia

To save you the indepth reading, it's basically illegal but widely decriminalised. Even in states where it's NOT decriminalised the law has taken a "harm minimisation" stance over "punitive action" as long as you're not growing, selling or in possession of large quantities.
I've never been caught but I've had plenty of friends who have been and NONE of them have ever seen the inside of a prison cell. Every last one got away with fines or good behaviour bonds. All of them got off VERY lightly, from my mate who had half a gram in foil all the way up to a friend who got raided with a 3m (W) x 10m (L) x 3m (H) room filled wall to wall with 2m + MONSTER plants in full bloom.
That said, if you choose to be around this plant in any way you CAN be locked up for a VERY long time even for minor offences. This is something every smoker in Australia has to live with in the back of their mind every day.

We do have one tiny town in all of Australia that has managed to be the "grey area, not really legal but barely tolerated" weed capital of Australia. Nimbin, NSW.
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A tiny remote village deep in the mountains of what seems to be the 1960's! About a decade ago I was 18, newly free from school and managed to make the incredibly long pilgrimage to experience what it's like to live in a place where this magical plant has not only thrived but been accepted by everyone (without a badge at least).

It's a truly bizarre setup. Police are a constant presence but they never seem to do anything other than walk around and watch the main street (the main street being about 100m long with only 10 or so shops.)
The main rule is NO dealing in public. But generally before you've even gone past one shop you'll have a half a dozen people come up to you and ask "are you looking to smoke?" at which point you'll say "sure" then get ushered somewhere out of site for the transaction to take place. For me my first buy was from a sweet old lady that for $20 opened up her knitting bag FULL of the best outdoor bud I've ever had and just said "Go on love, grab a fist full and stick it in your pocket!" I must have grabbed a half an ounce!

But alas, it becomes apparent very quickly that no matter how alluring this utopia is, you can only go so long before you think "wow, I really need to wash my feet and eat something that has a soul".
I had to leave that place and because of the distance and lack of work out that way I've never been back since.

So now I'm trying to grow an ounce in a PC case every now and then because it's the most "personal supply ONLY" setup I can think of. To be honest if the law ever found it I'd be happy to say "well, I tried to do it as morally just as posible. I grew for myself, by myself and enjoyed what 700,000+ Aussies do every week without ever once harming another or funding a criminal!" Then I'd take my punishment and get the fuck out of this country to somewhere that allows their citizens the freedom of choice I so desire and deserve, or wait for my own country to wake up to the 21st century!
I had a VW bug like that! It was the bomb for the beach. There'd be 9 of us all passed out in it at night- somehow. Well, back in those days you went to bed with one and woke up with another.:shock::smile::sleep:Ahh, the 70's. Now THOSE were the days. Sorry, I just had to comment. I'm just reading and have no intelligent input:oops:bongsmilie
I live in Colorado, where since the late 80's possession of an oz or less has been a misdemeanor. In 1988 I had to pay a $150 fine for possession of 0.08 grams, the fine would have been the same for 27.9gm. In 2000 we passed the med mj amendment. I got my tax card in 2002. Not many folks took this legal route, due to the federal level laws. I never had a problem or inquiry during this period. Still no dancing in the streets, but overall less tension in the smoking community. It took till 2010 for the red card system to come into effect for med mj. At this point a person needing the help of of mj could get an annual "Red Card". Depending upon your Dr you can grow from 6 to 99 plants. Also at this point doors opened for dispensaries. So with a card you could walk into a store front and buy pot, hash, hi grade extraction oils, and editable's.The first of several Cannabis Cups made it to Denver, I went to the first. The event was amazing, venders couldn't sell any pot,,, but they could give away all they wanted to. Had several dabs of different oils, and a cookie or 2. Was really happy to have the daughter in law pick up the son and I after the event.
Still no open air pot parties but the scent of smoking and growing was much more prevalent in neighborhood settings.

In late 2012 it was legal, now open air 420 parties did occur. It took till 2014 for the first stores to open thier doors for the sale of recreational pot. If you are a state resident you can purchase an oz max at a time, but you can go to as many different stores as you want with the same limit. If you are over 21 and from anywhere else in the world other than Colorado tthe max purchase is a 1/4 oz, (but that can be pot, hash, or oil) and I don't think there is a limit on infused products.

I'm in my latter 50's and I started smoking weed in the very early 70's, and I never thought I'd see this happen in my life time. I go to a dinner party now and it's okay to break out a fatty after dinner, not like yrs back where the stoner's at the party had to sneak off to spark one.

So now anyone over 21 is allowed to grow 6 plants (3 flower, 3 veg). You CAN NOT sell to anyone, but you can give it to anyone over 21. On the med side you can sell to someone who has designated you as their caregiver.

Really the only way to get yourself in serious trouble is selling.

Prices; The peak was from the early 80's to mid 90's for hi grade was $400/oz some was imported but most was grown in Colorado on the western slope. Prices dropped some from 94 on for some reason but only down to $300. As med shops opened and even more shops opened prices went from street prices to much cheaper. Right now same pot med $200 legal $260 the difference is taxes on the rec. So street prices for bootleg material has to be much lower than retail sales, so it's less than $180. This is specific to my region in the state. Go to Denver and the cities on the front range and this price range drops, and there are counties that don't allow rec sales and street prices are higher.

Every time I thumb through the local paper and I see ads for specials and sales at the local shops, I get the same rush feeling that this just couldn't happen. I don't buy much because I grow more than I need, but every now and again I want a different flavor or just need to walk into a store and purchase some bud just because I can.
Sound like you just walked right out of my generation. Speaking of sneaking-- at every Christmas Eve at my inlaws a bunch of us have to "go get ice".
What kinds of businesses will be allowed under this law? Four types of marijuana businesses will be allowed and regulated by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission. “Marijuana producers” will cultivate marijuana for wholesale. “Marijuana processors” will produce marijuana extracts and products. “Marijuana wholesalers” may purchase marijuana and marijuana products to sell to marijuana retailers and other non-consumers. Lastly, “marijuana retailers” are allowed to sell marijuana and related items to individuals 21 and older. Application fees will be $250, and licensing fees are $1,000 per year.
Sounds like I've picked my profession.
I'm developing systems to grow cannabis more efficiently and thus for lower cost. That's what I'm doing with my new freedom to grow the weed. This way, everyone gets to enjoy the blessings of the plant- rich, poor, sick and well- and save the planet for a nice bonus!
Jeez. Weed shops in America. I really thought I'd never see it in my lifetime. But then, we've gone from a family tv in the living room to tvs on our wrist which dubs as a phone and a camera, oh, and a GPS... you get it. Of course, we can thank Roswell for those groovy inventions!bongsmilie:peace:.

No, actually we don't need to thank Roswell for any of them. I'm proud to say that we humans have come up with every last scrap of the technological, manufacturing, marketing and distribution acumen to make inexpensive smartphones the modern miracle they are today.

Now, if only we could apply ourselves so diligently to saving ourselves from the consequences...
Having to buy non-cured weed is analogous to torture, that's nuts. Maybe you could cure it yourself after the fact?

The rec stuff here in WA is definitely cured and bomb. It has a 'harvested on date' many times, 2 of the kinds I bought this week were harvested in January (2 diff batches of GSC)

I'll post some pics of stuff I've strictly gotten from WA rec:
View attachment 3434283
Cherry Pie and GSC were $12/gram tax included
View attachment 3434284

Forget the prices on these - they were from bigger bags. The top one is Cinex and the bottom one is Dutch Treat.
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No, actually we don't need to thank Roswell for any of them. I'm proud to say that we humans have come up with every last scrap of the technological, manufacturing, marketing and distribution acumen to make inexpensive smartphones the modern miracle they are today.

Now, if only we could apply ourselves so diligently to saving ourselves from the consequences...
You have a point on consequences, however, I still vote for Roswell. Don't get me started on aliens. We could go a round or two.
You have a point on consequences, however, I still vote for Roswell. Don't get me started on aliens. We could go a round or two.

You may find that we have less to debate on the subject than you might think.

They're out there. If they have an ounce of sense (as a spacefaring civilization, I'm betting they do), they're keeping a wary eye on us and they generally have the good sense and technological chops not to be detected doing it. Next?
You may find that we have less to debate on the subject than you might think.

They're out there. If they have an ounce of sense (as a spacefaring civilization, I'm betting they do), they're keeping a wary eye on us and they generally have the good sense and technological chops not to be detected doing it. Next?
They're not "out there" they're already here on Earth. Most of them are working with our scientists in Dulce, New Mexico on the 6th and 7th underground floor, 7th being the most unbelieveable because, well, there are experiments going on. I could go on and on about this but you can google if interested. And before I leave this post, I just want to say one more thing while I'm here. The pyramids. They're not just some architectural wonder from centuries ago, the pyramid of Giza, for example, along with other pyramids around the world, were actually nuclear power plants. Once they all shot their beams into the heavens, it created what we now know as the electromagnetic field. They did this waay back to keep the Earth safe from solar flares, meteors, and the like. Ask yourself, "why haven't we had any of those things destroy the Earth since the pyramids were built?" We've had the Flood and the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs and I know there are other "end of the worlds". The aliens like planet Earth (they love the gold) and they neither want it messed with by atmospheric anomalies nor blown up by us. They have been going around the world, and I know you've heard, shutting down nuclear weapons, but only temporarily. They did have a scare once where they accidently got them "hot" and they almost deployed, but they fixed it right in time. I think that one was Missouri. It could have been a scare on purpose to give us an idea of just how scared we are to even have nuclear weapons. I imagine everyone at the base where it happened was freaking out! I'm just going to google some quick references for you. http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2010/09/23/aliens-monitoring-nukes-worry-ex-air-force-officers/ But this is what we want. We WANT the more intelligent beings to police the less intelligent beings. It's a good thing.
This one is about the underground base at Dulce. But there's tons of websites and news articles about it. http://beforeitsnews.com/blogging-c...ound-alien-base-smuggled-footage-2446294.html Just google "Dulce, N.M. Aliens" There are the Greys, the Reptilians and the Nordics (those are the blonde-haired, blue-eyed ones), but only the greys and the reps are in underground Dulce and, of course, Phil Schneider. http://www.burlingtonnews.net/schneider.html Let's give this guy a break and give him his thread back. We can make a new thread if you want. But everything I'm going to say has been said by every news agency, pilot and officials in high places that felt compelled to come forward over and over. There's sooo much more out there if you live outside the box. Not you personally.
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Having to buy non-cured weed is analogous to torture, that's nuts. Maybe you could cure it yourself after the fact?
The rec stuff here in WA is definitely cured and bomb. It has a 'harvested on date' many times, 2 of the kinds I bought this week were harvested in January (2 diff batches of GSC)

I'll post some pics of stuff I've strictly gotten from WA rec:
View attachment 3434283
Cherry Pie and GSC were $12/gram tax included
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Forget the prices on these - they were from bigger bags. The top one is Cinex and the bottom one is Dutch Treat.
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That bud certainly looks like fire, impressive and not consistent with those that insist recreational pot is somehow inferior to medical or homegrown etc.. What's surprising is the price, I haven't seen rec nugs like that for under 15-20 dollars per gram, where you shopping dude?
From what I have purchased in Washington state rec stores the bud is top shelf highest quality Ihave ever smoked, dense to good outdoor pot
That bud certainly looks like fire, impressive and not consistent with those that insist recreational pot is somehow inferior to medical or homegrown etc.. What's surprising is the price, I haven't seen rec nugs like that for under 15-20 dollars per gram, where you shopping dude?
Tacoma Area, I go all over town. I like to buy a bunch of 1G sacks so I can try a lot of kinds, lol.

Here's one place that has their prices listed: http://www.hiwy7.com/products22.html

I'd also vouch for Clear Choice Cannabis, Rainier on Pine, Mary Mart and most others I've been to in the Tacoma area. I went to one in Spokane that was shady but I can't say that where I go is representative of all places. I usually check google reviews on them before I go so I don't waste my time
i go to the vancouver washington stores, there are 2 of them across the columbia from me, i am from Oregon, the number 1 store in washington is number 1 because of Oregon buyers,, lol, the main street store is so very nice,, good people, great bud, and they usually always have some choice in the 10 dollar per gram range,
I'm developing systems to grow cannabis more efficiently and thus for lower cost. That's what I'm doing with my new freedom to grow the weed. This way, everyone gets to enjoy the blessings of the plant- rich, poor, sick and well- and save the planet for a nice bonus!

You may want to check out one of my threads for lowering costs. It may work into your system maybe not, but I spend right around $2/plant/grow + electricity.
I live in Michigan & have been growing dope since the early 70's when single lbs cost $300 , got popped for Manufacturing a controlled substance & did a couple years the slow way , the cops used early racketeering laws to take everything i owned & sell it .

Got out & bought an old abandoned AC Spark Plug bldg from GM & started growing again , kept it undercover for 30 yrs , Michigan became a legal state & being that my wife suffers from Multiple Sclerosis i hired a lawyer who petitioned the Governor to set aside my felony drug conviction so i could care for my wife .

Got all the legal goodies squared away , shut my soil grow down & set up 8 flood n drain tables ( Thanks AlBfuct ) the per patient plant count here is 12 & a caregiver is allowed 5 patients for a total of 72 plants per patient/caregiver , next i took my retirement savings & started a co-op with 2 partners, i had 400 plants going with 50 plants getting chopped every week & was doing fine , spent a few yrs running the co-op & sold my controlling stake & grow back to my partners , i made out ok .

Prices are what they are so i'll leave that one alone .

Now i just run a little personal grow for the wife .
Good life story, I would like to see a movie made of what has happened, and the transition to legal
I live in Michigan & have been growing dope since the early 70's when single lbs cost $300 , got popped for Manufacturing a controlled substance & did a couple years the slow way , the cops used early racketeering laws to take everything i owned & sell it .

Got out & bought an old abandoned AC Spark Plug bldg from GM & started growing again , kept it undercover for 30 yrs , Michigan became a legal state & being that my wife suffers from Multiple Sclerosis i hired a lawyer who petitioned the Governor to set aside my felony drug conviction so i could care for my wife .

Got all the legal goodies squared away , shut my soil grow down & set up 8 flood n drain tables ( Thanks AlBfuct ) the per patient plant count here is 12 & a caregiver is allowed 5 patients for a total of 72 plants per patient/caregiver , next i took my retirement savings & started a co-op with 2 partners, i had 400 plants going with 50 plants getting chopped every week & was doing fine , spent a few yrs running the co-op & sold my controlling stake & grow back to my partners , i made out ok .

Prices are what they are so i'll leave that one alone .

Now i just run a little personal grow for the wife .