What's it like living in a legal state/country?

That's exactly why I am thrilled with Oregon new law starting in just a few more days we get to grow 4 plants at y home no questions asked, it is awesome, and y if I want the rec store for now I drive across the river, the best of both worlds, and when Oregon's rec stores open the prediction is cheaper than Washington
I'm not sure how much cheaper it can get - you can get a gram here for the price of a pack of smokes lol
Hopefully you'll see ads like these in your area soon.
You and me both mate!
I love cannabis culture, the thought of it being accepted to the point of what you all have shared with me is what dreams are made of!
I'm not sure how much cheaper it can get - you can get a gram here for the price of a pack of smokes lol
By the sounds of how quickly it's been accepted in newly legal states, I don't know how or why tobacco companies haven't started to switch crops and start selling packs of pre rolled spliffs.
By the sounds of how quickly it's been accepted in newly legal states, I don't know how or why tobacco companies haven't started to switch crops and start selling packs of pre rolled spliffs.
A lot of states (all?) require it to be grown and produced in-state by approved producers, and may have different legal specs state by state also.

Not to mention that big banks won't even touch the money
You and me both mate!
I love cannabis culture, the thought of it being accepted to the point of what you all have shared with me is what dreams are made of!

By the sounds of how quickly it's been accepted in newly legal states, I don't know how or why tobacco companies haven't started to switch crops and start selling packs of pre rolled spliffs.
I know right,, DREAMS are made of, people here are all scrambling around the law changes, and how it effects the medical side of things, but i am like you, I am like a little school kid giddy with excitement, I get to legally grow 4 plants at home ! , i get to legally carry up to 1 ounce in public,, are you KIDDING ME!!!! i feel like dancing,, long time coming!
You and me both mate!
I love cannabis culture, the thought of it being accepted to the point of what you all have shared with me is what dreams are made of!

By the sounds of how quickly it's been accepted in newly legal states, I don't know how or why tobacco companies haven't started to switch crops and start selling packs of pre rolled spliffs.
why have the tobbaco people not jumped on board,, 1 reason
FEDS still classify it as level 1 illegal, until the feds reclassify it , like say tobbaco is or Booze is,, they wont touch it,, so therefore the little guys are getting rich off it,, like medicine man in Denver,, they are millionaries now, and so will others, I know those companies are hoping to just sale thier running buisnesses outright to the tobbacco companies when the feds declasify it, and they will, and those people will retire into the sunset as billionaires,, I wish I was onboard that ship
why have the tobbaco people not jumped on board,, 1 reason
FEDS still classify it as level 1 illegal, until the feds reclassify it , like say tobbaco is or Booze is,, they wont touch it,, so therefore the little guys are getting rich off it,, like medicine man in Denver,, they are millionaries now, and so will others, I know those companies are hoping to just sale thier running buisnesses outright to the tobbacco companies when the feds declasify it, and they will, and those people will retire into the sunset as billionaires,, I wish I was onboard that ship
Is there a law for household unit grows like no apartment grows? Part of the regulating re. For Oregon also what's going on my fellow Oregonian
From what I have read, apartments can opt out, make lease agreement that forbids growing,
Is there a law for household unit grows like no apartment grows? Part of the regulating re. For Oregon also what's going on my fellow Oregonian
So far the legislature in Oregon has only monkeyed with the Medical side , the grow 4 plants at home rec seems to be slipping thru untouched , and only 30 days to go till legal to grow !!
Laws differ from state to state a bunch, rec and medical. Alaska has the 6 plant limit and plans on opening retail outlets in 2016. The med side can grow also but there are no medical dispensaries.

In Arizona their med plan said anyone could grow until they got dispensaries up and running, so after a couple of yrs growing became much harder to do legally. Now if you live within a 25 mile radius of a dispensary you can't grow. But they have one rule that no other state has. They will honor any other state's medical card. You can't buy at the dispensary, but you can possess mmj as a non state resident. So I can get pulled over in Az show my oz and card and get waived through.

Colorado has the most liberal laws so far, because they include commercial hemp. If enough states follow then we can talk about inter stare commerce.

Rules are different everywhere, but there are more areas opening all the time. It's legal in Uruguay now.
Yeah. I'm a caretaker for my wife so we can have a few plants, I just have to smoke the rec. stuff

Not sure if this is true in Washington, but here with the retail there is no cure or aging, it's just get it cut dried and on the shelf. No individual packaging like you showed earlier. So I have yet to find any bud in a store that's as good as the stuff I grow. (then cure properly).
The stuff I go and buy in Washington state is primo outdoor grown weed, packaged labeled and lab tested for THC and cbd
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Not sure if this is true in Washington, but here with the retail there is no cure or aging, it's just get it cut dried and on the shelf. No individual packaging like you showed earlier. So I have yet to find any bud in a store that's as good as the stuff I grow. (then cure properly).
It's weird.

Recreational stuff is tighter-regulated, lab tested, fancy packaging with printouts.

Med stuff is all over the place, sometimes just a generic-ish laser printer label with the patient name, weight and strain printed in black ink.

I've tried a lot, but I've had AAAA recreational nugs. Snowland (from DTC I think?) that I got from Rainier Downtown in tacoma a few months ago was absolute fire. Thought it was gonna get me busted smoking in a hotel room, it reeked lol
I've been gone awhile, medical issues. Back on the forums and saw this post, figured I'd chime in.
WA here, even with the changes I still grow enough for myself and a patient. @eatspam I saw your grow and it does
make me feel very fortunate that I can grow without hassle. So thank you for sharing your passion for the plant!

I started growing for myself after I medically needed cannabis for pain and nausea in 09.
I've had to buy it periodically in between when I could grow, but that was horribly expensive, simply because of how much I use.

So I grow.
The few times I've bought it's been good, however I know what's been put into mine and
I just prefer it.
Strawberry blue about to come down in a few days-100% organic soil -60 days today.
sorry for the crappy pic

SB fields.jpg
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@WattSaver @Tim Fox thanks for your insights! I loved the summary of laws. I want to add that here in Colorado you can have an UNLIMITED AMOUNT in your home, just like you can have a wine collection of unlimited size at home. I got The Knock from the local constabulary a few months back. I have several cards as a caregiver but was in violation of city ordinance. I got treated with respect. The only ones who don't get that kind of respect are stupid college kids who burn their fucking house down while growing a huge crop with no documentation at all. It happens.

What is also happening with depressing regularity is newspaper articles discussing the latest building explosion due to some stupid fool making BHO. So don't be one of them!
Hey great looking plants, I only plan y on making canna butter or in coconut oil for baking things, we are down to 26 days till full legal here in Oregon
@WattSaver @Tim Fox thanks for your insights! I loved the summary of laws. I want to add that here in Colorado you can have an UNLIMITED AMOUNT in your home, just like you can have a wine collection of unlimited size at home. I got The Knock from the local constabulary a few months back. I have several cards as a caregiver but was in violation of city ordinance. I got treated with respect. The only ones who don't get that kind of respect are stupid college kids who burn their fucking house down while growing a huge crop with no documentation at all. It happens.

What is also happening with depressing regularity is newspaper articles discussing the latest building explosion due to some stupid fool making BHO. So don't be one of them!