what you on right now :)

i would i have no camera and besides that im computer illiterate if my brother comes by with his camera ill post some eye candy no prob.
yeah man i would love to see some pics.

cant wait for work tomorrow so i can get paid! and finally get some weeeeeeeed. much needed too. so stressed...
if he can find some og kush or another clone only strain certainly worth bringing its state to state so no sketch if your careful.
i dunno what he can get. i think last time i was there i had some og kush and some winterfresh. hes driving with his parents though so i doubt he will... kinda whipped by em.
I just ment the cough meds..around here they are all hidden behind the counter haha. But yeah I see what I said wrong. OTC is Doctor Prescripted.
Ahh ive been smoking resin for the last two days. Today I was sprinkling a little keefe on it. About to smoke the rest of the resin to the dome before work. Work 6-10. Then Blunt ride home.. And then getting picked up to go on a blunt ride to a party =D. UV for the night.