what you on right now :)

yeah i think i was physically addicted a couple months ago like january feb. i stopped cold turkey cuz my script ran out and i couldnt make it to the doctor. man i felt like shit physically and psychologically. had the shakes and extreme depression and aggitation... and didnt wanna deal with no body or anything. just wanted to crawl in a hole and die. and it affected my relationship with my girl to this day she still brings up which is kinda the reason were on a break right now. she was nervous when i started using them again but i swore to her i wouldnt be like i was and i wasnt. but she still left over some dumb shit. trying to get her back. man i love her.
i have some of the white ones in my pocket right now the yellow ones work best for me they call them green ones down here school busses lol
yeah i detoxed in la county jail(twin towers) lesson learned for life i had seizures hallucinations auditory/visual etc.. i dont remember too much mentally and physically its a terrible experience to have. i know people who have detoxed from heroin and said that was preferable to coming off a benzo addiction. its one of the few detoxes which can kill you aside from serious alcohol addiction. the funny thing is most doctors will easily prescribe it for anxiety but in the long run it just makes anxiety worse and doctors dont inform you of the risks.
Just smoked my last bowl of dro. Smoked what little I had last night tripping. Down to resin out of like 5 pipes and a little keef.
I have my daughter for the night so I just stick to my ganja.
Just smoked my last bowl of dro. Smoked what little I had last night tripping. Down to resin out of like 5 pipes and a little keef.
I have my daughter for the night so I just stick to my ganja.

yeah i smoked the last of my resin. too broke to go pick up. i just try every last ditch effort to get some more like smoking out of the carb and mouth piece lol. but its all gone.

florida. i would suggest getting at least 2mg in ya.
yeah i detoxed in la county jail(twin towers) lesson learned for life i had seizures hallucinations auditory/visual etc.. i dont remember too much mentally and physically its a terrible experience to have. i know people who have detoxed from heroin and said that was preferable to coming off a benzo addiction. its one of the few detoxes which can kill you aside from serious alcohol addiction. the funny thing is most doctors will easily prescribe it for anxiety but in the long run it just makes anxiety worse and doctors dont inform you of the risks.

yeah my doc wrote the script like it was a to do list. no hesitation. and yeah when you get off em the anxiety comes back 10 fold.
yeah i smoked the last of my resin. too broke to go pick up. i just try every last ditch effort to get some more like smoking out of the carb and mouth piece lol. but its all gone.

florida. i would suggest getting at least 2mg in ya.

haha i just finished hitting my empty bowl for resin hits. im kinda high.

thanx man i will be sure to get at least 2mg.
im on some ICE CREAM....
