what you on right now :)

does florida suck? anyways any tips on finding and prepping san pedro. i have taken shrooms and lsd but want to try mescaline particularly. does san pedro make your stomach sick if done right?
does florida suck? anyways any tips on finding and prepping san pedro. i have taken shrooms and lsd but want to try mescaline particularly. does san pedro make your stomach sick if done right?

not all of florida mostly miami.. well the people in miami that is.

heres a link to a good place to buy them online.. sacredcactus.com

ive never eaten san pedro or any mescaline before but i read that it does make you nauseous for the first hour but its well worth it.
yeah most of those types of drugs make your stomach uneasy lsd/shrooms etc. but as you said it is worth it once in a while. let me know how that goes for you and your methods if it is worth doing. i plan on trying at some point peace.
yeah man ive been interested in mescaline. i thought they grew slow? that was the one thing why i didnt wannado it. i didnt wanna wait for. i may give it a go sooner or later. let us know how that trip goes.
i like to do hallucinogens only every few years as i feel that is all i need to keep my mind fresh. so i dont mind waiting quite a while for a cactus to grow what i think he meant was compared to peyote san pedro grows fast.
just got my oz of slavia and a gram of 20x and did it about 45 min ago and i was having a crazy ass trip lmao..... it had soootooo much fun....... i was flying through the world and every person was a light and everyone was lining up behind me and flying all together i dont know how to explain the resit t but it was like dropping for 5 mins when i came down i was pissed lmao cuz i wanted to keep going lol........ i need some LSD now i really am wanting to trip balls. just moved to washington and cant find any :sad:
lsd well good lsd is hard to find these days. im planing on trying salvia soon as well kinda forgot about it some people have a great time some are terrified i feel the terrified ones are expecting something weak and then bam reality gone for a bit some dont like this or dont expect it imo.
yeah thats why i have not tried it yet but feel i should at least once at least with salvia bad trips people pop out of it but i know people who could not handle lsd or shrooms very well even weeks afterwards. hallucinogens weed out the unstable.
never done acid. i love shrooms. alot. and i really like salvia too. but they made it illegal in my state. in fact its as illegal as coke and heroin.

i used to be able to buy it at the local mall lol
weak shrooms or not enough i would think. i have been wrecked by a good dose of proper shrooms 1/8th+ of good caps and stems in a tea as strong as acid at least that time. shrooms vary quite a bit in potency. i do want to hear how the san pedro test goes. i think you can purchase large grown san pedros if i remember.
yeah but ciggs and alcohol are still legal what a contradiction sad. i guess the powers that be enjoy there night caps and smokes too much fuckers.
im fucked up on about 4 xanex bars and i jus blazed a l of some swag need somethin to drink to my mouth is dry as shit
i mostly avoid pharmaceuticals particularly xanax and other benzodiazepanes too many undesirable side effects but to each there own.