What wrong with my babies!


Active Member
I found out what's wrong, I spotted root aphids and they've been eating at my roots and killing off my plants... since its my first grow, I didn't realize that there shouldn't be so much plant matter missing, I couldn't have a deficiency cause I just reported and haven't fed nutes yet. I'm torn between trying to save it, or starting over...


Well-Known Member
Just slow down!

First off, you made a hot mix even hotter and then dumped nutes on top of that and right after a transplant. Bad Juju and you burnt them ... bad.

You're really creating more problems than you're solving trying to put out fires that may or may not exist and I'm sure the hydro store will be happy to sell you more stuff to dump on them.

The lime will take at least a couple weeks to start doing anything, so don't get impatient and try and 'fix' it. Give it time and learn to be patient.

How about just water for a few weeks and give the girls a chance to catch their breath? Not 'sips' of water either, but till a good bit runs out the bottom. In the shower is good for this.

No neem, no EJ, no nothing from the hydro store. You might have root aphids, you might not. There are plenty of beneficial bugs that live in the soil, not all are bad.

You are loving your plants to death.



Active Member
Thanks for that slap of reality wetdog, sometimes I trip too hard when I put a lot of work into something :/ anyway, I'm pretty sure I have root aphids though. I saw these beetle looking hard shell motha fuckas on the leaves with these sappy looking spots. Immediate reaction is infestation :O

Anyway, if I do have a root aphid infestation, how quickly will I be seeing my plants die?


Well-Known Member
I have no idea. In close to 40 years of growing, I have never encountered root aphids. I have never bought a bagged mix either, so perhaps that's why. I've always made my own.

Those things you describe sound more like scale. Not good, but easy to kill with Safers soap.

Relax. The only thing that will kill your plants really fast, is you.



Active Member
I haven't added nutes for about 4 weeks now since the transplant, and was wondering if now would be a good time to start adding nutes. The bottom leaves are still dying off, and I don't know if it's a pH imbalance or deficiency. How can you tell the difference?


Well-Known Member
IDK to be honest, using the lime and getting the soils pH in the right range it never gets considered. pH that is.

If it's been that long, give them a shot of nutes at 1/4 strength and see what happens.

Check the new growth. The older damaged leaves are not likely to recover, so don't look there. Wait a week before adding anything else.

How long since you added the lime and what amounts?
