What wrong with my babies!


Active Member
So it looks like its more towards the bottom of the growth, however, there are some signs of deficiency that stems from the middle of the main stem. It looks like MG deficiency, so I added tsp / gallon epsom salt my last watering, which was 2 days ago. I just wanted to make sure that it was the correct diagnosis. Also, It looks like my other plant has some calcium deficiency, which is odd because I have added dolomite lime to my medium (2 tbls/gallon).

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Seems to be a lot going on, what about flushing with correct PH and 1/4-strenght nutrients? BTW: too much Mg will effect Ca uptake, and vice versa.


Active Member
If I flush, do I run the risk of over fert since this is a full organic grow? My understanding is that watering will continue the cycle for the beneficial bacteria.


New Member
WOW, looks like you got so much going on there, I don't even know where to begin. Looks like a couple of different deficiencies and/or overages and may be even some critter damage. What is in the medium and what else besides epsom salts have been feeding. How often and how much?


Active Member
Yeah, it's my first grow :/
Medium is FFOF with 30% perlite and 2 tbl/gallon of dolomite lime. Nutes are earth juice trio bubbled for 24-36 hours before feeding. I ended up burning them recently so I've only been adding water for the past 2 weeks.


Active Member
Epson salt was something new my last watering. The last time I fed was also when I transplanted. I fed them right after the transplant (which I will never do again).

All the problems are mostly inthe lower leaves.


Active Member
Medium is fox farm ocean forest with 2tbl/gallon of dolomite lime and 1 tbl/gallon of Jamaican bat guano (forgot to put that) and 30% perlite.

And I don't have a soil pH meter.


New Member
Hmmm, you transplanted them into Fresh FFOF 2 weeks ago and that is when the issue(s) started? OK, well now you know FFOF needs no added nutes for a few weeks even when buffered with perlite. If it were my grow, I would prolly flush them with at least 2 gallons of water for every gallon of soil. And I would also clip the sickly and dead leaves off. Then I would let them get good and dry to give them some good breathing time. Then resume feeding at 1/4 stregth dose building every third watering by 1/4 dosage until they reach full dose.


New Member
Medium is fox farm ocean forest with 2tbl/gallon of dolomite lime and 1 tbl/gallon of Jamaican bat guano (forgot to put that) and 30% perlite.

And I don't have a soil pH meter.
For future reference FFOF is very hot and needs no extra guano, bone/blood meal, cal/mag or any of the other 1,000's of products hydro stores will sell you. If done properly plants should need no extra nutes in this soil for a good 6-8 weeks. First 3-4 weeks seedling and early veg stage no nutes needed, 2nd 3-4 weeks just transplanted into final pot and has all that is needed for that. Then you start adding nutes. Just my .02


Active Member
Ahhhh, okay, that's what I heard but as my first grow, I didn't have a reference point or really understood how mute consumption worked. I learned that more does not necessarily mean better. When you say flush for 2 gallons of water per 1 gallon or soil, do you mean use water and water them with just plain water but really pour it on? Or like go into the shower and let it fill up and let the water drain from it?


New Member
I mean if it is in 3 gallons of soil, use 6 gallons of water. If you can't get the ph checked, then get some spring water from your grocery store.


New Member
The best suggestion I can offer is too read, study, plan, and act. Do searches on things that you are using and or problems you are experiencing. Please click the first link in my signature. The thread it takes you to contains several videos from Master grower's for 1st timers.


Active Member
So I just checked my plants and I'm positive I have root aphids. I'm week 4 into flower now and need these bastards gone! Does anyone have any suggestions? I need an organic approach or something that won't kill my microherd.


Well-Known Member
what's that Matisyahu song?
"Chop'em Down?"
sorry......by the time you straighten her out, it won't be worth it.


Active Member
So azatrol will kill my plants, so I did a neem treatment and will be going to the hydro store to pick up predator nematodes and pest strips. Fuck these root aphids man, I hate bugs so damn much.


Active Member
I am a FFOF user never have a problem ,as far100_1315.jpg100_1766.jpg100_1891.jpg as nutes i use a tea mixture only during veg and flower ,this tea is so easy mix five gallons at a time stays good 6 months ,go to www.tokengrow.com read the charts ,never a burn problem will post a couple of pics Veg Cabinet using T5 fixtures and flower room using 1000 watt with parabolic shield i grow 8 plants at a time ,Happy Farming ,Cajun