What would a TRUMP! Presidency look like?

I don't expect you to be able to read properly nor comprehend much, I mean after all, you are an inbred fetal alcohol case.

Squirm back under that manhole cover, eh? The grown ups are talking now.

Guys, when Sunni was talking about banning someone earlier, was it this ball of trash by any chance? There are so many that are allowed to filth up the place, it's hard to keep track...
Nope, unfortunately. She was talking about that dickbag that has a yessicunt avatar.
Emergency Powers -

A TRUMP! Presidency would quickly be followed with a call for EMERGENCY POWERS - 'until we figure out what's going on'. Terrorism already gives the necessary threat. The Republicans have already shown that they are willing to violate the Constitution to save the Constitution by not addressing the vacant seat on the SCOTUS. Granting TRUMP! Emergency Powers would be a piece of cake depending on the Congressional elections.

Bet on it.

Hey, where are all the TRUMP! supporters? Show us your world based on TRUMP!'s current policies.
go back to sleep America, you are going to need it, whichever deranged pathological individual gets in its gonna be a fukin laugh from where I am, well for 5 mins until trump starts the roundup or mad Hillary presses the button, Hobson's choice imo
Im not sure what scares me more...Bernie going down on Hillary ... Or Bernie going down on Trump. Nightmares.
Lies. Expect lots of lies - as in outright denial of the obvious.

The Clinton lie too but they are aware of it and there are limits. "it depends on what the definition of "is" is" and "I did not send classified information". All politicians are inclined to lie from time to time. But there are differences and degrees of lying.

TRUMP! would lie more than Richard Nixon. Even Nixon had some respect for his opponents.

I hope every woman that votes for TRUMP! has a husband like TRUMP!
I would hate to be a Latvian, Lithuanian or Estonian in the TRUMP! future. TRUMP! already sounds like he will be using them as a gift for Putin.
Here's a nice picture of a protester in the RNC being covered up (smothered by?) by an American flag.

There will be a lot of that if TRUMP! wins. Any dissent will be treated as an anti-American act.


The look on the doleful thug on the left is priceless... "this couldn't be helped, she brought it on herself."
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Tony Scwartz, author of The Art of the Deal was just on npr talking about the hollow, insecure, greedy narcissist, trump.

Its hilarious. Trumps attorneys are after him but there is no non disclosure.