What words should be banned outright?


New Member
The supreme court would ultimately get to make the decision if popular vote was the method employed. In which case, you probably would be in favor. "Lets try and make it 2 for 2."


New Member
Californians should revolt......
I wish you guys would. We could close the border and 90% of the illegals would flee back to Ca. and Mexico and Points South, then from lack of Ca. business, 90% of the Gambling industry would collapse, that would eliminate about 75% of the population as they moved on to greener pastures and my old Vegas would be back. 100,000 residents, and no frikin traffic. Sounds like a plan. You guys could build casinos in Barstow and cut 50% off the cost of gas.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
And an opinion coming from an emotional, man hating, cow like you means something? lol
Anymore fake facts you want to make out as true?

LOL..... I don't hate men..... well except for the ones that make comments like "get a hanger bitch" or call me a cow. :finger:

There is nothing left for me to say here on this thread..... this "cow" is taking her udder and skidattling on to greener pastures.