What word do you ALWAYS misspell?


Well-Known Member
I always misspell a few of the same words, utill Grammerly informed me of my "Obsolete spelling".

After computers came out, my spelling became 90% better, I was horrible in school, I won a 1st grade spelling contest, but it was all downcliff from there.

"Gohst" - I always catch my self on, and "Recipe" I had to fucking work on and I bet you didn't catch my old English one-
Unless if ya got spell check on....Forsooth!
Receive. Actually this is probably a word i always fuck up. The whole "i before e except after c" bullshit.

Oh, and canceled. It's "cancelled" in other parts of the world
The thing that drives me mad is that 90% of Americans don't know the difference between the verbs to LIE and to LAY. So you hear stupid remarks like "He was just laying there in the road." I immediately ask, "How many eggs did he lay?"
alot But I think it might be just Me.

I always misspell a few of the same words, utill Grammerly informed me of my "Obsolete spelling".

After computers came out, my spelling became 90% better, I was horrible in school, I won a 1st grade spelling contest, but it was all downcliff from there.

"Gohst" - I always catch my self on, and "Recipe" I had to fucking work on and I bet you didn't catch my old English one-
Unless if ya got spell check on....Forsooth!