What women want...

Why do woman fake orgasms??? It took me a while to figure that one out, I'm sure it's because they think we care...... :?:
I dont think guys should buy.their.women.shit all the time...they got a damn job they can pay for. Their.own shit...i worl.my ass off for.my money u really think.i.wanna.spend.what.little.money i got left on.my gf...we always.drive,usually pay,open doors.if where first,u dont like the.bathroom amd u live there too clean that.shit then..my bathroom.is.dirty but.not dirt.rather.resin.and ash
Chocolate shoes and purses....


Different women are *attracted* to different men. I say "attracted" because it is materially different thank "likes". A woman may be attracted to a certain man because of something subliminal but she may not like him. That is why a woman that marries a wife beater, and finally manages to get free of him, winds up marring another piece of shit just like the one she left, just different name - because she was attracted to something. As a general rule, women want men that are strong in character, body, mind, and spirit. They want their man to be gentle and rough, and know when each is appropriate. They want you to PAY THE FUCK ATTENTION! They want you to LISTEN; they don't want you to "fix it", just listen. They want flowers, chocolate, cards and lots of your time talking your ear off about the most worthless and ridiculous things to a man - but it's important to them.

Women are stronger than most men in many ways so don't ever patronize them. Men should take the lead in romance; women don't usually have time for that and they appreciate your efforts, and even if you fuck up they will probably never say anything. They like kissing, and passion, slaps on the ass and hugs for no reason. Learn how to kiss! Women do not want you ramming your tongue down their throats; that's porn bullshit. Tongue play is nice and she has ways to let you know if she wants more. Also, don't open your mouth like you're sucking a fence post; keep your lips to about 3/4 open. Women want to be taken out for dinner and treated especially good when they've had a bad day. They like getting their hair and nails done, clothes and shoe shopping, talking on the phone to family and girlfriends. The main thing you never want to do is even acknowledge the existence of another woman - anywhere in the universe; your mother is the one begrudging exception. Mention an old girlfriend and you're "taking the situation in hand" tonight buddy. Look in her eyes and - in sincerity - tell her how beautiful she is. Then speak those three little words that every woman wants to hear: "You wanna fuck?" LOL, just kidding. No cheesy one liners; they've heard them all. Anything that you do for them in an attempt to get their clothes off sets of an alarm "DICK ALERT! DICK ALERT!". Be sincere or don't be anything at all. When you do get her clothes off, take some *time* to touch her softly, and admire her features; don't rush this; it can be some of the best times you can spend together.

If you are a "minute man", start doing Keagles; they are exercises for your PC muscle that help you completely control when you blow your load; you can go til you're too numb to nut; it's just that effective. Be sure your hygiene is flawless, and that includes trimming your fingernails. Bring a bottle of wine occasionally instead of beer and don't plan on getting sloshed and getting laid; the two are just not that compatible; smoke a big bowl of good pot before making love. She wants to feel your body weight on her but not for long; use your elbows and knees to keep most of the weight off her. Focus on her pleasure and her satisfaction; yours will come in due time. Observe her body language as you try different techniques and when you see her respond positively - keep doing it. Learn what drives her crazy sexually; she is probably more kinky than you might think. Afterwards, LOOK at her and smile; talk softly to her; run your fingers through her hair and trace a finger or two down her body; admire her body and say so; kiss her tenderly; stick your face in her hair and breathe in her aroma and tell her how nice she smells. Pull the sheet over her (to her arms) and snuggle with her; kiss her on the back of the neck and whisper little naughty things to her - and pay attention to her response. If she's really special, tell her you are going to plant a kiss on every square inch of her body. Do this in advance so she can enjoy the anticipation, then DO IT, front, back, toes to head. Save the best parts for last because by that time she won't let you finish the job. I wrote a book about 10 years ago called "The Elements of Eroticism" but my computer crashed before I could send it to a publisher and I lost it. I could go on and on but I won't even though I didn't even get into the really hot stuff. Guys, study this; it's pure gold. ...and feel free to rep me.
Potpimp has some remarkable insight...I bet he's taken :( but seriously, that is good stuff and right on the money...speaking of money, that's a tricky one. I don't feel the guy should always pay and I will usually offer and take a turn. I have always worked and make good money but if the person you choose doesn't, she might not be able to afford regular date nights. So, if that's important to you, then go for a woman who's responsible not the girl hanging out at the bar trying to get the guys to pay for her drinks. She is likely broke and won't be chipping in much.
Something I would like to add to what potpimp had to say is, I believe women appreciate men who are patient. How many times did my ex cut people off in traffic and speed just to arrive at a red light one or two cars ahead of someone he just had to get in front of. I felt by doing that, he displayed a general lack of respect for those around him and an over inflated sense of self importance. Patience is key to so many of our issues so just chill.
I feel taking notice of what we do for you is an important issue too. My ex husband never got how hard I tried to make him feel special, he just never took notice or else didn't bother to say. He should have noticed and commented when I tried to look nice for him..and yes, some women will brush off the compliment but only because we don't want you to think we are into ourselves...but really, we love being appreciated. He should have noticed when I always gave him the food that turned out the best or how I cared to make sure he called his mother often enough or that he wasn't wearing around shirts with holes in them.
Growing up, it discouraged me when I saw how guys misunderstood and mistreated those females that would dress provocatively and sleep around...they aren't doing it for the sex guys, they are doing it because they feel they have nothing to offer and it's the way they've learned to get intimacy and feel important. It's just that it leaves them feeling even worst about themselves when you don't call back so they fall even further into the cycle.
I believe most females try very hard to uplift the guy they are with make them feel important and special, give a little back and watch how much more you receive in return. You all need to recognize when she's doing or saying something for your benefit and not hers and appreciate her for it.
Yeah, i didn't even go into the "love languages". Acts of service is a huge one for women; that's yours. It takes so little effort to show appreciation and to let your woman know you noticed. And about the girls that dress provocatively... men give love to get sex; women give sex to get love. I've always tried to go overboard in meeting my lovers needs. I can tell you a lot about what a man is like in bed by how he drives. If he is impatient in traffic he is mostly only concerned with getting his cookies. If he never uses his turn signal he's probably one of the worst lovers there is, a totally lazy piece of shit and unconcerned about anyone else. Sensuousness is both an artform and a science. There are special "erogenous zones" on a woman that every man should know and know how to use them. If you've never kissed a woman and had her knees actually buckle (no, not from stinky breath!) you don't know what real power is. If your woman has never experienced three *concurrent* orgasms, where there are three distinctly different orgasms going on at the same time, she's missing something special, but you have to know how to do these things. There are techniques to do a lot of really amazing things but I can't go into them in public forum. If anyone (guys or girls) has any specific questions just PM me if they are very intimate; you may not expect the answer you'll get.
men are from venus women are from mars. a book every man should read. fascinating read.

potpimp, your brain is wired like a ladies. mine is too. no shame in it, in fact quite the opposite. it makes you a better lover all round.
men are from venus women are from mars. a book every man should read. fascinating read.

potpimp, your brain is wired like a ladies. mine is too. no shame in it, in fact quite the opposite. it makes you a better lover all round.

I just made it a personal quest to find out what makes them tick. :) It's served me well.
In my experience,

Be nice, be a man, show respect, be strong while not being
afraid to show weakness.

Show her she is the one and only, and actually mean it, again
don't be afraid to show it.

Women are awesome, they deserve to be tread as such.
Generally though, for the most part they don't like "their men"
to be needy nancy boys. They want a man, a man who is genuine
and respectful, especially toward her.
You sound ridiculously confrontational. No bueno.

Funny how you find MINE confrontational-- but you and the other guys can make all kinds of degrading, sexist, anti-woman remarks and you find that all fine & dandy...?
Hypocritical Troll....
Bet Y'all aren't married- long....