what will this setup approximately yeild?


i just built this grow cab its 30in X 28in X38in i've painted the inside white for reflection and plan on having a scrog setup in it with miracle grow soil my light setup is going to be two 23 watt daylight 5000k cfls for the sides of the plant or under the foliage and 6-8 23 watt soft white 2700k cfls over the plant and im going to keep this light setup throughout veg and flowering il have a fan that i found around the house that has an exhaust setting as my exhaust fan and 1-2 small fans blowing on the plant so how much could i potentially harvest? all feedback on my setup is welcome


Well-Known Member
That's a really tough question to answer. Is this your first grow? If it is, then it's even more difficult to answer. I'm not too sure how much benefit (if any) you'll get from the 5000K cfls during flower, but worth a try. Assuming your grow goes smoothly (no undue stress to the plant from bugs, nutes, watering, temps, etc), in your position I'd be happy with an ounce off a single plant. Don't set the bar too high, and you won't be disappointed. Anything over that is a bonus.

If you're an experienced grower, aim to have a flawless grow and you might pull off twice that weight from the plant, or more. If you're a first time grower, aim to not kill your plant, and be happy with getting any bud at all. I was super impatient when I started my grow, dreaming of harvesting 4 oz off my 2 plants... Now I'd be delighted with half that amount, because I've learned a lot so far, and as the grow progressed I got a little more realistic about what I could achieve with my setup. My next grow will be an improvement on this one (touch wood), and I still think it's possible to get close to my original amount, but need to do more homework on this site. I'll keep tweaking and adjusting every grow to try to increase my yield, but that comes with time and experience. I love growing. I really didn't think I'd enjoy it so much, but I've spent a lot of time with my two babies over the last few months. Can't wait to start my next (2nd) grow.

Best of luck, and post some pics when you're ready to go.


its my first grow ever and forget the scrog im just going to lst the two plants when i start is their any thing i can do to this setup or plants that will maximize my yeild


Active Member
The way I look at it, especially since this is your first grow; don't worry about how much you will yield. Concentrate on keeping the plant healthy, monitoring temps, humidity, etc. You learn so much from your first couple grows, i'd just take it step by step. But to answer your question, with around 10 26w CFL's and two plants, I'd say anywhere around 1oz should be capable. Vegging would go much faster if you'd have more 6500k bulbs though instead of so many 2700k at the start.


Active Member
Don't do the under foliage thing. I know some people have yielded a lot doing this method but they always have a good amount of top lighting. You want to hit the tops of the leaves because that's where the plant absorbs the most light. I'd say with your first grow shooting for a 1/3 gram per watt through CFL's. So 6x23 is 138 divided by three is 46...So about 2 ounces of dried nuggs. But placement, basement can have less than 300 ppm Co2 and a living area can have 800 ppm, air flow, temperature, humidity, nutes, strain and pheno are all factors.