What Will Happen If Prop 19 Passes And Obama Sues Cali?

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
thats not how laws work. maybe you should read a book or take a constitutional law class before you start flapping your mouth and spewing your verbal diarrhea. your ignorance is putrid.
Well ain't you the happy little cocksucker. Boyfriend forget the lube on ya or something. If you know as much as you think you know, how come you haven't gotten it legal you filthy sperm bucket.


Well-Known Member
nice resort to name calling because you have no substantial rebuttal. do yourself a favor and go to college.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
nice resort to name calling because you have no substantial rebuttal. do yourself a favor and go to college.
Half point as I am in a bad mood. Do yourself a favor and learn manners when speaking to others in forums and you won't get people having a bad day go off like I did. Twenty Three years in the military, an associates in electronics and one year of studying law...I have done the college thing thank you very much. In fact, its college these days that brain wash people to follow the socialistic government system we have now. Socialist college professors are part of the problem with government and laws.
Obama may not be able to sue the States but he sure as hell can withhold Federal Funding for highways and schools and other shit that California is loving off of currently.

And quit being a dick, irieie.

Max Q

I think prop 19 is a good idea but I agree there's no telling what's going to happen once the Attorney General sues the state. My gut tells me they won't be able to stop it -- they'd have to arrest thousands of people to enforce federal law and it simply isn't practical. Plus there would be a huge outcry from the public and lots of nasty scenes and headlines in the news.

Good luck on a 10th Amendment argument. If it held any weight there'd be lots of things the feds couldn't or wouldn't be doing.

Also, while the political right is definitely more against pot and legalization than the left it's not really that black and white. Plenty of democrats don't want it legal and there are plenty of folks on the right (libertarians mainly) who are gung-ho on drug legalization (and not just for pot). It's also the republicans, who while they may not want legalization, think we should follow the 10th amendment and really believe in states rights, to the point where they would want CA or any other state to make this kind of decision on their own and not have Washington calling all the shots.


Well-Known Member
I've always believed the 10th Amendment pushed to the extreme is the answer, crush the Federal Govt. by a complete secession from the Union. We could all start over , and as for Civil War? yeah....it's possible it could get started easy that way. I wish the masses would wake up out of the Left/Right paradigm , both parties are fucked up and corrupted by payoffs from different special interest groups on both sides.

All it would take is for just ONE state to sever all ties from the Fed Govt by claiming their 10th Amendment right, and all Federal judges, Federal prosecutors , Federal Marshals , DEA , Federal ANYTHING ...within the state that claims a 10th Amendment secession would be stripped of any and all power. They would instantly in that state be made regular joe and jane 6 packs over night if a state seceded from the Union.

Then other states would fall in line, but knowing how aggressive and power hungry the politicians in Washington D.C. are, they would probably scream HELL NO and try to send Military troops ASAP into the state that seceded if they had to pull soldiers out of Iraq by fleets of C-130 planes heading straight for the seceded state, and most likely declaring nationwide Martial Law at the same time.

The seceded state would then have a showdown and a violent fight for freedom, U.S. Military troops would be divided over orders to shoot fellow American citizens causing division and in-fighting within the U.S. Military. Once it got out that U.S. troops were occupying and killing U.S. citizens in the seceded state, other states would join in the fight against the Feds and the U.S. troops. A chaotic nationwide Civil War could happen.

If the U.S. Military troops refused and had a mass stand-down, it's possible that the Fed's could by-pass them and ask the U.N. for E.U. soldiers to put down the secession, then mass Civil War would STILL end up happening.

I believe a total economic collapse is eminent now and that another American Revolution is going to happen soon eventually anyway be it over a secession or over a total collapse like October 1929 , like within this decade.That's why I'm for secession , and I mean a total secession , forget about Democrats or Republicans or some single political savior saving the country...it ain't gonna happen.

No state would pull a 10th Amendment secession over just marijuana legalization though, there would have to be other factors involved. The Federal Govt. wouldn't send Military troops into a state either if the only sole reason was to stop marijuana legalization in that state.We will most likely have an internal war within the U.S. when the stock markets finally collapse when other countries stop taking the worthless U.S. dollar and the dollar totally collapses. Then the 18 wheelers stop rolling delivering food, the trains stop rolling, the cargo ships and cargo planes stop coming into the U.S.....then, all hell breaks loose. Nationwide riots break out because no one has food.

This is what I see coming most likely , and that's why I'm for a 10th Amendment movement NOW before things get to that point. It's kinda of like a catch 22 situation , it would be worth the risk to chance a 10th Amendment secession NOW before a nationwide economic collapse happens. I could see California pulling a secession just over their economy being the worst out of all states.

California and other states as well could pull a 10th Amendment secession and use HEMP production to survive, but take California as an example first....number 1...they are on the coast and have many major port cities.They could export and trade/barter with other nations by ship using HEMP production. If California seceded , they could build mass numbers of Hemp production plants, and we all know how many products can be made from Hemp... fabrics,linen sheets,rope,oil,paints,resins,boards for construction building,paper products,insulation,cardboard boxes, Henry Ford 100 years ago had car bodies made from it, Rudolph Diesel had a diesel engine run off Hemp oil,ect.

This chart shows what can be made > http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_V-jhtBmM3R4/S9C44doxpRI/AAAAAAAAAhU/d3ssK46xERk/s1600/hemp_uses.jpg

Anyway , Hemp production could save the nation after a mass secession from the Federal Govt. because they sure as hell won't ever legalize marijuana/hemp use and production.They'll collapse the nation's economy to the point that Wall Street will have zero's all the way across the board. I don't know what type of new currency could be used with a seceded state, but the people could come up with some workable solution, even if only temporary.

A state that plans to secede would be best served by resisting the temptation to enact legal tender laws. That should be one of the bellwethers of how honest your new government is. If the new nation enacts legal tender laws, you know up front that they intend to issue counterfeit currencies, inflate the currencies and facilitate fractional reserve banking. That would end up like what we have now with the Federal Reserve Dollar.

Enough people uniting to secede now looks a lot better than where the nation is going to end up 5-to-10 years from now.

A 10th Amendment secession ,then using major marijuana/hemp products to start a new economy for trade and export could actually steer the nation off the dead end road of horror we are heading to. I don't see a peaceable secession happening but remember what Thomas Jefferson said>

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."


Well-Known Member
I think prop 19 is a good idea but I agree there's no telling what's going to happen once the Attorney General sues the state. My gut tells me they won't be able to stop it -- they'd have to arrest thousands of people to enforce federal law and it simply isn't practical. Plus there would be a huge outcry from the public and lots of nasty scenes and headlines in the news.

Good luck on a 10th Amendment argument. If it held any weight there'd be lots of things the feds couldn't or wouldn't be doing.

Also, while the political right is definitely more against pot and legalization than the left it's not really that black and white. Plenty of democrats don't want it legal and there are plenty of folks on the right (libertarians mainly) who are gung-ho on drug legalization (and not just for pot). It's also the republicans, who while they may not want legalization, think we should follow the 10th amendment and really believe in states rights, to the point where they would want CA or any other state to make this kind of decision on their own and not have Washington calling all the shots.
i like the way you succinctly and intelligently summed things up. you should hang out here more often. too many nuts like me and not enough voices of reason like you :)

i agree with you that the fed will not have the resources to enforce shit. they said the same ting after 215 passed and failed spectacularly. if they can't keep a quarter million medical patients under control, how the hell are they going to handle 5 million recreational users?


Well-Known Member
States rights issue. California should be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want. But since when did the white house or our elected officials give a damn about the constitution?

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
ITT tech? is that where you studied law as well?
Air Force Academy for electronics, 8 years Army Military Police, 2 years Military Police Investigator and was studying law to try and get on the FBI...Damn good thing I didn't get brain washed into the fooked up drug war crap and decided I didn't any longer to become a jack boot thug working for the Govt.
I see you do want an argument. I have work to do in my grow room so to me it really doesn't matter if prop 19 passes or not. If passed more states would follow but it doesn't effect me. I grow for me only, don't sell, and am not in it for any money.

Sorry, I don't feed the trolls. I am done with you.


Well-Known Member
Arnie is gone...and why would CA being broke stop the feds from suing? I dont get it...And the feds have plenty of power to do anything they want - has that not been clearly demonstrated for decades? Legality and basis are mere interpretations...And the FBI has over 13K sworn employees...plenty to get a start on raids...
Yeah the whole Arnold thing was a attempt at humor, but you kind of ruined it hence your moniker. As far as the 13K employees of the IRS, you have to be kidding right? I would LOVE to see some obese 55 year old IRS desk Jockey in full combat gear going up against a Cartel Grow Op.There are only about 2,500 total special agents in the IRS who even carry a side arm.


Well-Known Member
Exactly, time has proven that liberal/progressives are much more liable to lessen restrictions on weed. Conservative/righties are way too law oriented, and always (Most times) take the side of law enforcement. Does anyone realize what legalization will do to law enforcement, it would decimate it, LEOs, lawyers, judges, prison guards, jailers, a lot of them should and may be un-employed. Does anyone think the repukes would tolerate this?
You mean less prisoners in America is a bad thing because of peoples jobs? That is a great thing, with these people out many will work for or start businesses which will employ these people who lost their jobs abusing people in jail.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the whole Arnold thing was a attempt at humor, but you kind of ruined it hence your moniker. As far as the 13K employees of the IRS, you have to be kidding right? I would LOVE to see some obese 55 year old IRS desk Jockey in full combat gear going up against a Cartel Grow Op.There are only about 2,500 total special agents in the IRS who even carry a side arm.
best way to fuck the cartel is the people who grow their own personal so they stop paying for it. Yes that will hurt the growers who sell as well, but in the end it would benefit too many not to do it. It will prevent arrests, illness, and everything. Pot growers will have to change their business models the way betamax sellers, or tab salesmen had to when they went extinct. Yes the day of the illegal commercial pot grower controlling an area is GONE. Extinct. Finito. it is not only inevitable its happening now! Its time to use that land to breed seeds to sell as expensive true quality (but actually do the breeding to select the best or you ruin the new industry for everyone in your area)

I beleive America will be on the forefront of marijuana breeding and genetics and wind up owning that industry globally. It will pull America out of this hole, but the laws will take time to match up, soooo until then we gotta sit back and watch our poor country crumble... Of course we could vote and actaully make a difference.


Well-Known Member
true but breeding isnt the only business the legalization can make, thier will be many many resturants using canna oil and butter making a wide veriety of different food. alcahol compamies may try to add THC to thier beverages to keep up. Hemp wood will replaces most of the tree wood used today and in terms of home growers who use to supply the market, well they will be force to chase qaulity rather than qaunity. I can imagine how shitty weed can be from the store if the price was cheap. Heck they will probably import schwag from mexico mabe since store owners are free to buy from who ever and they want it cheap.


Well-Known Member
true but breeding isnt the only business the legalization can make, thier will be many many resturants using canna oil and butter making a wide veriety of different food. alcahol compamies may try to add THC to thier beverages to keep up. Hemp wood will replaces most of the tree wood used today and in terms of home growers who use to supply the market, well they will be force to chase qaulity rather than qaunity. I can imagine how shitty weed can be from the store if the price was cheap. Heck they will probably import schwag from mexico mabe since store owners are free to buy from who ever and they want it cheap.
yeah but 3rd world will take all those over eventually. Breeding is something that we can do superior tho because it is an art as much as a science.


Well-Known Member
true but breeding isnt the only business the legalization can make, thier will be many many resturants using canna oil and butter making a wide veriety of different food. alcahol compamies may try to add THC to thier beverages to keep up. Hemp wood will replaces most of the tree wood used today and in terms of home growers who use to supply the market, well they will be force to chase qaulity rather than qaunity. I can imagine how shitty weed can be from the store if the price was cheap. Heck they will probably import schwag from mexico mabe since store owners are free to buy from who ever and they want it cheap.
I do have to admit you are right tho about the restaurants and alcohols with THC. There will be a lot of new industry overnight which will pull America up out of this econoic collapse.


Well-Known Member
yeah but 3rd world will take all those over eventually. Breeding is something that we can do superior tho because it is an art as much as a science.
I would agree with that however, lets say if the grower decided to convert and spend some dough on running 1000 watts LEDS just to have a product of higher quality In resin to stay in business, id say thiers still a chance becuase the 3rd world growers cant afford that kind of set up and super grow corporations wont be interested in that kind of exspensive set up with the lower yield. If anything they will perfect outdoor growing, but indoor will remain the quality that keeps them in business.


Well-Known Member
Who knows if that law passes HPS Users will be flowering with the MH instead of the high pressure sodium just to stay ahead of the market.