What Will Happen If Prop 19 Passes And Obama Sues Cali?


Well-Known Member
States rights issue. California should be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want. But since when did the white house or our elected officials give a damn about the constitution?
No States should not have the "Right to do whatever the FUCK they want", as long as there is the "United States",,,I'm not from California,,,but "Thank Me,,,cause i had teem dreams, in the day,,,Mom, said it would collapse in the ocean,,,Now being a man,,I'd say you might as well just be part of "Mexico,,,cause you guy's over there create bullshit laws and crap and the rest of the country follows suit...Who made California God,,,Damn East coast and chilln',,,,Ohh yea The President of the USA is also the commander in chief of the Military,,I think if he was a real asshole he could just use 29 palms and the deserts to do some real life exrcises in the streets? disclamer,,,sarcasm,,,and fucked up opinions and facts in this post. I have alway's been Pro POT,,,but if legalizing means fucking up the entire system for political gains I say NO too. But I'm ill informed on the legaliztion of it,,,It's Legal in "MY house",,,and that works for me....Good Luck and keep on keepn' on.


Well-Known Member
No States should not have the "Right to do whatever the FUCK they want", as long as there is the "United States",,,I'm not from California,,,but "Thank Me,,,cause i had teem dreams, in the day,,,Mom, said it would collapse in the ocean,,,Now being a man,,I'd say you might as well just be part of "Mexico,,,cause you guy's over there create bullshit laws and crap and the rest of the country follows suit...Who made California God,,,Damn East coast and chilln',,,,Ohh yea The President of the USA is also the commander in chief of the Military,,I think if he was a real asshole he could just use 29 palms and the deserts to do some real life exrcises in the streets? disclamer,,,sarcasm,,,and fucked up opinions and facts in this post. I have
alway's been Pro POT,,,but if legalizing means fucking up the entire system for political gains I say NO too. But I'm ill informed on
the legaliztion of it,,,It's Legal in "MY house",,,and that works for me....Good Luck and keep on keepn' on.
love it or not it still might happen, cali alone has more of a population than most states, for thoes of you who dont like that law its becuase your growing to sell at current market value. Prop 19 will protect me from drug test and keep me employed and able to get high if i had that opportunity i would trash my medical card any day hands down. Selling pot even if u grow it yourself iant shit compared to a reliable carreer college degree job.


Well-Known Member
love it or not it still might happen, cali alone has more of a population than most states, for thoes of you who dont like that law its becuase your growing to sell at current market value. Prop 19 will protect me from drug test and keep me employed and able to get high if i had that opportunity i would trash my medical card any day hands down. Selling pot even if u grow it yourself iant shit compared to a reliable carreer college degree job.
Nice lie. Prop. 19 doesn't protect you from drug testing or from being terminated due to positive drug testing. Drug testing is a federal policy and Prop. 19 can do nothing to change federal statutes.


Well-Known Member
Also regarding political gain.. Ofcourse god dammit we are in a deep fanancial hole that the feds cant even fix, thats the main reason why cali is stepping up for legalization. Just think about it half of cali smoke weed, and out of the half only a handful are able to keep jobs n smoke. Legalizing is a gain for everyone, except for felons and poeple with a history of unlawful acts. I know you enjoy your medical card and having an edge over the dealer around the corner, but shit hating is not gonna do anything but shorten your life lol


Well-Known Member
Nice lie. Prop. 19 doesn't protect you from drug testing or from being terminated due to positive drug testing. Drug testing is a federal policy and Prop. 19 can do nothing to change federal statutes.
Well mabe not all jobs like gov jobs but local business will be more sympethitic about testing positive.


Well-Known Member
Well mabe not all jobs like gov jobs but local business will be more sympethitic about testing positive.
Nice baseless wishful thinking that is just delusional. Insurers will demand that drug testing be required of any business in CA, not to mention that Prop. 19, again, can do NOTHING against Federal policy on mandatory drug testing.


Well-Known Member
Here is why i believe it would help to some dergree in keeping a job with THC in ur blood

David Rosenfeld Explains Workplace Impact of Prop. 19
CBS5.com, August 13, 2010 by Robert Lyles
http://cbs5.com/video/[email protected]

“You can be tested for marijuana and it shows marijuana use, it could be two weeks, three weeks, four—a small amount. It could be for medicinal purposes. It has no impact on your work.” So labor attorney David Rosenfeld says Prop. 19 will fill a gap in the law, protecting employees from termination or prospective workers from elimination during drug prescreening.


Well-Known Member
Oh well, if a lawyer says it. then it MUST be true! Lawyers after all decide everything and never lie. :wall:

Again, there is NOTHING in Prop. 19 that gives you ANY protections whatsoever. Quote whomever you want, that doesn't make the proposition say anything new.


Well-Known Member
Well just have to wait and see besides nov. 2nd is around the corner and when passed law goes into immediate effect and if im right hurray!!! If not fuck it least local cops and noisey nieghbors cant fuck wid me.


Well-Known Member
Nice lie. Prop. 19 doesn't protect you from drug testing or from being terminated due to positive drug testing. Drug testing is a federal policy and Prop. 19 can do nothing to change federal statutes.
In the end who really wants to work a job where they require to know and control your free time and vacation time when you got nothing to do with work? Work is a mutual favor not a one way one, today many companies think they are kings of the world not realizing that the people below know what the people above are up to always moreso. But I think a business should have teh right to refuse work to pot smokers or alcohol drinkers if they want to, you dont have to work there. At the same time why would you want to?

But in the end if people want to select the best workers from the largest pool they would not have such a policy or rather a laxed one in the end. Many specific related people have smoked pot, from programmers to welding. When there is a job few people really know how to do it in the end you want that person working for you. If you don't because of their religion, or if they drink or smoke pot, then you get to make that decision but you have to actually drug test and treat all employees equal.


Well-Known Member
In the end who really wants to work a job where they require to know and control your free time and vacation time when you got nothing to do with work? Work is a mutual favor not a one way one, today many companies think they are kings of the world not realizing that the people below know what the people above are up to always moreso. But I think a business should have teh right to refuse work to pot smokers or alcohol drinkers if they want to, you dont have to work there. At the same time why would you want to?

But in the end if people want to select the best workers from the largest pool they would not have such a policy or rather a laxed one in the end. Many specific related people have smoked pot, from programmers to welding. When there is a job few people really know how to do it in the end you want that person working for you. If you don't because of their religion, or if they drink or smoke pot, then you get to make that decision but you have to actually drug test and treat all employees equal.
Just think, if we drug tested everyone in government we wouldnt' have had the last 3 presidents....


Well-Known Member
Shit obama admits he "inhaled" pot as a kid lol, that fagget bill clinton said he smoked but never inhaled.
Why is it we let Clinton be president if he's not even smart enough to inhale when the joint is at his lips? That is something anybody should be able to figure out the mechanics of.


Well-Known Member
No,matter what buissness you want to start "Leagaly",,,There is a lot of RED Tape,,,the more employees,,,the more tape,,,Insurance which will be required even at the local levels, They will have to conform,,,to "Drug testing",,,in most instances!,,,,If you can beat the Banks,,,Lawyers,,,and insurance companies,,,Go for it, If "We" can do that we can do anything! See the Problem???

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
This 25 square feet of garden I keep hearing about. Is that 25 square feet measured from the rooted plants in the ground or the canopy? There is a hell of a lot of difference.