What type of deficiency?

Thaii Ajna

Hey guys,
second grow here and am currently on Day 24 in veg.
My grow medium is Roots Organic soil, so I haven't done any feedings of my own just yet, and I'm wondering if maybe it may be time?
here are a couple of photos from today (which is when I noticed the issues)
I have been combating fungus gnats so I'm also wondering if it could be from that?
On one of the photos, you'll noticed that the tip of one of the new growth appears to be burnt/down brown in color
and on the other two, the leaves are beginning to look rusted near the center
Also the white powdery substance is diatomaceous earth.
All help would be appreciated!


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Well-Known Member
I actually have been giving them that. every other day I'll spray them.
Im not seeing any deficiencies via the photos, the new leaves are often more yellow than the older leaves as they are still building chlorophyll.

The plants look fine to me, a little pitting burn from something, but nothing to worry about, keep doing what your doing.

I suggest letting your growing media dry out more between waters.

Foliar feed just before lights on or just before lights out, are you running cree 3590s

If your plants yellow further your growing media is leaching a lot of nitrogen, so add more, via the photos it does look very free draining growing media, so nutrients will be leached out at a faster rate.

cut the foliar feeds back to once every 7 -10 days your over doing it and thus bumming humidity too high as well.
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Thaii Ajna

Im not seeing any deficiencies via the photos, the new leaves are often more yellow than the older leaves as they are still building chlorophyll.

The plants look fine to me, a little pitting burn from something, but nothing to worry about, keep doing what your doing.

I suggest letting your growing media dry out more between waters.

Foliar feed just before lights on or just before lights out, are you running cree 3590s
What is pitting burn? It definitely looks like a type of burn on the tip of the new growth. you can't really see it in the picture, but its a deep brown/almost black color.


Well-Known Member
What is pitting burn? It definitely looks like a type of burn on the tip of the new growth. you can't really see it in the picture, but its a deep brown/almost black color.
I can see pitting in the second photo, and a little damage on the new leaf.

possibly from sitting water, and/or slightly over doing the foliar sprays

absolutely nothing to worry about.

definitely cut the foliar feeds back to once every 7 -10 days though.

dont sweat the small stuff , you have no problems of concern

Thaii Ajna

I can see pitting in the second photo, and a little damage on the new leaf.

possibly from sitting water

absolutely nothing to worry about.

definitely cut the foliar feeds back to once every 7 -10 days though.

dont sweat the small stuff , you have no problems of concern
Okay thanks for the feedback! what is pitting though?


Well-Known Member
Screenshot from 2017-04-14 15-30-20.png
Okay thanks for the feedback! what is pitting though?
pitting is chlorophyll death which leaves a pit or indentation on the leaf surface, often pesticide oil sprays will cause this, or water that is sitting on the leaf while intense light is on.

in you case its history and nothing to worry about, its extremely minor.

pitting can be seen on leaf spike 3 and 4 of 2nd photo

my image shows the pitting on your plant


Well-Known Member
Ahh yes i have been spraying neem oil and take down on them. thanks a ton. I really appreciate your feedback!
The neem oil has caused this burn then 100%, only spray oil when lights are about to go out, also dont spray delicate new leaves and keep the oil strength on the lower side

Screenshot from 2017-04-14 15-30-20.png