I'm a devious little fuck when I need to be or that's how I see myself in situations when I don't have my medicine. I've robbed peter to pay paul only to have mary come screaming after me.
In my defense, if I have it then everyone has it, I don't much care for smoking alone.
There is no hiding the fact that I smoke weed, every single person in my family is aware of it, my neighbours know it and of course my friends. Either by circumstance or pure manipulation {on my part} I've gotten myself a circle of people that when I find myself without, I simply ask them. Some will give me the money while others will provide the smoke, I do not ask for more then anyone could afford and feel no ill will if they say no. As to the reasons why they do this is, it's entirely theirs.
I now grow my own and because of that reason I find the droughts to be far less in duration and occurrence.