What to do when out of weed?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have time to go look for another job, since you wont be high for the rest of the week.

Or do the American thing and just sit there, complain and wait for your situation to better its self.


Well-Known Member
Scrape Resin, call a friend that always mooches off of you.
In my case. Graze one of my girls early.


Well-Known Member
Before computers, 'op' stood for " other peoples "...and that was good to smoke when you ran out. We actually called it 'op' weed.


Well-Known Member
In olden days, we'd smoke stems and seeds out of pure desperation. That is, if smoking the black goo in our pipes was not an option. Had a neighbor who took a blowtorch to the metal bowl and stem on a heavily used bong and shared with me. And there was always the option of getting drunk, though I don't recommend ethanol maintenance as a substitute for the real thing. Long "droughts" were common, when you couldn't find reefer to save your life no matter how much money you had to spend. Totally sucked.