what to do, power is going off!


Well-Known Member
hi there,

i am currently vegging 18/6. The lights go on at 6 in the evening and go off at 12 noon.

however got a letter through the post today saying that our power will be going off for 7 hours on Wednesday the 8th of October from 9 am to 4 pm. this has really messed me up.

i have a few days to change my schedule, can i make my lights turn on say, 30-45 minutes earlier a day without stressing my plants too much? just so that i can make it fit around the time my power will be off?

if you understand what i mean please offer your advice,



Well-Known Member
7 hours isn't going to be that big of a deal. Just go back to your regular schedule after the power comes back on.

Most of the plants aren't fragile, it is a weed, and you know how hard it is to get rid of weeds in your yard.


Well-Known Member
7 hours isn't going to be that big of a deal. Just go back to your regular schedule after the power comes back on.
so you're saying don't change anything?

if i don't change anything they will be in darkness for about 15 hours, that's if they complete the work in time, usually they don't. they're pretty useless and it says times are "approximate".


Well-Known Member
our power will be going off for 7 hours on Wednesday
I thought that meant it was going to be off for 7 hours not 15 ??????

Depends on where you are growing, you can stick them next to a window for awhile if you want. You can get a generator if you want.

I'd probably just leave them alone and not worry about it.

Like I said above they aren't fragile and you aren't flowering so just don't worry about it.


Well-Known Member
I thought that meant it was going to be off for 7 hours not 15 ??????

Depends on where you are growing, you can stick them next to a window for awhile if you want. You can get a generator if you want.

I'd probably just leave them alone and not worry about it.

Like I said above they aren't fragile and you aren't flowering so just don't worry about it.
yea, sorry i meant 9 just realized what i had done :wall:

if i don't change anything they will have about 9 hours darkness.

thanks for your responses :-P


Well-Known Member
FRom what i've experienced with this is that the hydro company SAYS thats its gonna be 7 hours but its more like 3-5 or something....that way everyone says,oh,great that was quick when really it shoula taken like 1-2 hours...lol...i've done this in HUGE buildings as an electrician! Muahahaa...but who knows...


Well-Known Member
Fuck, the power company just pulled up with 3 trucks and a new pole, looks like I'm going to be without power for awhile.....................

They should have done that when the power was out for 4 days last week.


Well-Known Member
Just ignore the difference and carry on with your regular schedule. Extra hours of light would be a problem, not a few extra hours of dark.
Just remember your timer will be off, need to check and reset when the power is back.


Well-Known Member
I will, but I won't be able to help answer questions or look thru websites and decide what I want to order next.


Well-Known Member
Man that's tough I just had my power go out for about five hours due to a sand storm. I was lucky enough to have some sunlight shine in my bathroom. So I'm there moving like twenty bags or so in the bathroom! Good thing the power came back on just before sundown or else I would have been screwed. I would recommend a generator, if you don't have one you could rent one at a tool rental place. But if you can't do that you better have a lot of flashlights with batteries or just about a million candles.:wall:


Well-Known Member
I got a generator but after you dig it out and fuel it up, drag all the extension cords around, the power comes on 5 minutes later............

It did help the other day though when the power was out for a few days. It is also one of those things no one wants to buy but always want to borrow and you are the a$$hole when you say no but it is also one of those things that always comes back screwed up and no one wants to help pay to fix it. Power used to only go out about once a year here and always less than 12 hours, usually 2 - 4 at the most. They bought another power company about 5 years ago and it has sucked ever since. The power spikes and goes out a couple times a week, mostly for about 5 minutes at time but what the hell is that doing to my electronic stuff ?

It's usually out more than 12 hours at least every 3 months.


Well-Known Member
dude that really fuckin blows....the powers gone out here for hours at a time and I dont know what the hell to do with myself except sit in the damn dark...haha.


Well-Known Member
That's why you have to get a generator, so you can spend $600 to watch TV and play on the internet. As long as you have those to things you could probably live in a tent and not notice the difference.


Well-Known Member
Just built a house for a relative.They spent about $500,000 in total;hes an electricain,shes a teacher.Being a foreman he knew all there is to know about electrical,so he wanted to install a generator....very cool shit....the power goes out at their house and the lights flicker,the clocks reset...but thats the ONLY noticeable difference.Its so well designed it comes on almost instantly and powers everything,including their 60" (yes 60) inch flatscreen,no problem.Its awesome.LOL.Just thought I'd throw that out there.


Well-Known Member
hi there,

i am currently vegging 18/6. The lights go on at 6 in the evening and go off at 12 noon.

however got a letter through the post today saying that our power will be going off for 7 hours on Wednesday the 8th of October from 9 am to 4 pm. this has really messed me up.

i have a few days to change my schedule, can i make my lights turn on say, 30-45 minutes earlier a day without stressing my plants too much? just so that i can make it fit around the time my power will be off?

if you understand what i mean please offer your advice,

no worry just put outside.


Well-Known Member
Just built a house for a relative.They spent about $500,000 in total;hes an electricain,shes a teacher.Being a foreman he knew all there is to know about electrical,so he wanted to install a generator....very cool shit....the power goes out at their house and the lights flicker,the clocks reset...but thats the ONLY noticeable difference.Its so well designed it comes on almost instantly and powers everything,including their 60" (yes 60) inch flatscreen,no problem.Its awesome.LOL.Just thought I'd throw that out there.
Well I could of done it that way but I didn't want to buy a $5000 generator and then for some reason they want another $1500 or so for the switch to flip from the main to the generator.

I just put a PVC plug in the side of the house and run the generator cord thru it and into the house. The only wiring I did permanent was to the furnace, it sucks not having heat in the winter, I just flip a switch and I'm back in business, but I feel sorry for the naighbors while I'm doing it.

Like I said about all you end up doing is watching tv so I just unplg the strip from the wall to the extension cord and I'm good to go.

I would like to run a permanent wiring to the Water Pump so I'd have water also but I'm not sure how clean the power is coming out of the generator so I'd rather not have to end up replaceing the motor for it just to use the water a couple times. besides it would take a big generator to handle the hot water tank, so if worse comes to worse I just go and get a motel room and go swimming with the kid.