what to do, power is going off!


Well-Known Member
thats bullshit how a monopolistic gay ass power company isnt providing adequet service. such a shitty situation when you have to choose between no service or shitty, fucked up service, and they still make money by collecting a bill ON TIME every month. i wonder what they would do if the people in your area paid their bill as sporadically and unreliably as they gave power. assholes.


Well-Known Member
i wonder what they would do if the people in your area paid their bill as sporadically and unreliably as they gave power.
Funny you should mention that, every since the crappy service started happening, I started doin just like you said. Pay them whenever I get around to it, I used to pay them the day after I recieved the Bill everytime. Did the same to the Phone company but they charged me late fees last time, I didn't think they were allowed to do that, I thought they had laws and regulations they had to follow because everyone deserves to have phone service.


Well-Known Member
Bell is pretty ?lieneant? I've been late and just called and told them I was going to pay when I got my next check...blah blah blah....they did this all the time,we had arranged, "agreements".....fuckin ex girlfriend.


Well-Known Member
I had an intermittent problem for 15 years because they had a line splitter on my line so everytime it would thunder the phone would hang up. Depending on the amount of rain the line would go dead. They'd wait till the next day when the sun came out and everything dried up and say,"We have a dial tone there is nothing wrong with your phone, thanks for calling verizon."


Well-Known Member
Dude lay off the weed we already discusse that idea, lol.

Still doesn't fix the phone problem but I finally did go get a cell phone.
haha, how this debate has progressed :-P

it is so annoying how badly a huge company can treat it some of its customers.

the most annoying time was a few years ago, it was winter time and we had no power for over a week! they did fu*k all to be honest!

constant nagging got the result though.


Well-Known Member
the most annoying time was a few years ago, it was winter time and we had no power for over a week!
They were doing you a favor waiting till winter so you could put your groceries in the snow and not have them spoil.