what the Hell is this white stuff on the tree


DSC00253.jpgDSC00256.jpgDSC00257.jpgfolks please tell me what going on with the tree :oand wtf is this white stuff please be honest and tell me whats going on with the tree :cry:11-12-13 (1).jpg 11-12-13 this photo taken on that date this white stuff looks like web or like cotton or mildew Not sure please wtf it is crap if the tree is dieing please respond quick do not take forever:cry:


Well-Known Member
If the whole plant is like that, throw it away.

It can be extremely hazardous for your health if you ingest it.



Well-Known Member
Looks like mold to me. I though bud rot turned more black etc..??? That is not good either way. high humidity?

Mr. Anomaly

Active Member
First off it is November.... why is this still outside? lol and you 100% have a type of gray mold also known and botrytis.


will take you guys advise dammm :cry: will try to Pick out what good and throw ou the rest fuck it still got 25 seeds so I be oh right will need to start over again but inddor Noo more outdoor fuck that shit


Well I am First time grower I am learning as I go will make mistakes you know the tree looked great when I first started 10-03-13 (4).jpg11-12-13 (1).jpgthe second photo was taken a few days ago will try to pick out the buds that do not have no shit On it and will try to smoke it lol, hope I do not Die.!!! Lmao :wall:


throw it all way dammm that sucks 6 month's of Hard work & Money Smh :-( oh well still sitting in the yard there what a Bummer.. 10-08-13 (4).jpgshe was Beautiful "WhiteRhino" :wall: at least I go More seeds


DSC00258.jpgDSC00259.jpgDSC00260.jpgImg_00192.jpgImg_00193.jpgImg_00194.jpgImg_00195.jpgthis what I save from the tree all those buds are good and not infested so right Now.!!! I am, drying them up so get stoned Lmao:joint: next tree will be done in my closet fuck it jajajajaja1114.jpg