What the heck is this? + Pics


I started seeing these small white spots on the bottom of the stem - and one or two spots on a stem elsewhere.
No spots on leaves.
Thought it was Powdery Mildew and added Pot. Bicard - but no change - no decrease, but no increase either.

NOW I'm wondering if it really is PM....

any ideas?



Well-Known Member
is that also on your leaves? it looks like thrips but i never seen it on thhe stalk like that.


no - no leaf issue. I looked at it under 30x Microscope and looks more "platic-y" than soft for mildew. & nothing flying around...

Weird, huh?

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
It's not an outdoor plant is it? I have heard about them growing kankers on the base of the stem.


no - it started indoors and recently was moved to a grow tent in my garage. Temps have varied some - so I thought it was mold (PM or mildew) - but as I said - not going away or getting worse and PB treatment seemed to have no effect.


You'd better kill that plant before that shit spreads. Looks like plant herpes or somethin. Gross.
Other than visceral reaction - why kill it?

It doesn't seem to be hurting the plant, tried a bud and was good. Has about 4 weeks left to go.
It's the only plant in the grow tent - and I'd hate to just toss it.

Do you have anything to go on as to why it needs to be killed immediately?


Well-Known Member
look up scales.. no joke.. i think you need to peel them off then spray with neem oil or pyrethrium??


look up scales.. no joke.. i think you need to peel them off then spray with neem oil or pyrethrium??
Scales are an insect that hides under the protective outer coating ( from what I read).
I scraped some off and examined under a 60x and 100x microscope and I don't see any evidence of what I would call insects. Nothing crawling or moving - no limbs or body parts ( and I think I would see them at 100x) Now, I'm no botanist, but i'm just not seeing it ( not saying it's not scales...just I can't say for sure).

I appreciate your help - I'm going to watch it and maybe brush it off the stem tonight and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
you dont see an insect.. it will be waxy and when you squeeze them they are soft and squish red or yellow slime will ooze out.. ?? anything like that?

