What the f is this?


Well-Known Member
Definitely a hint of a web, looks more like a mite web than mold.. but I agree that it could be either at this point. A close-up shot would benefit us greatly in exact diagnosis.


Well-Known Member
F! i was certain the moisture level wasn't high, and afraid it was mites, they don't need oxygen to survive?
Yes, takes a ton of oxygen depletion time to get them to keel over. How long has the stuff been sealed in the jar? Could the web have existed from a previous mite issue that you didn't notice upon jarring?


Had no previous signs of mites, during grow or 3 weeks into cure, even a week ago i didn't see any, very aggravating. hope this pic is better but i agree with it being mites, any possible way to kill them?



Well-Known Member
Had no previous signs of mites, during grow or 3 weeks into cure, even a week ago i didn't see any, very aggravating. hope this pic is better but i agree with it being mites, any possible way to kill them?
If the jar has been closed for a while, then there should be dead mites in the bottom of the jar, and/or stuck in/around the bud - inspect it carefully and see what comes of it. I highly recommend you do this away from all the other ladies on the off chance that something is still alive so you don't re-introduce them if you find anything that's threatening.


Well-Known Member
Good idea, give it a good peek.. if nothing alive, hunt for dead ones.. remove them, and remove the web(s) as well -you'll know if you have dead ones, they like to snap/crackle/pop when smoked from other reports I've read.


Def sucks but am glad it wasnt a much larger amount but that being said this is my one and only small stash that goes a very long way for me, guess its time to ramp up my pest prevention.....thanks for all the help


Well-Known Member
Damn..never seen em in a stash. Maybe a piece of dry ice in a baggie with it . Slightly open to relieve pressure. Theres a heat they die at also. Like 115.


Active Member
OMG- seen that before-- red mites and eggs... Dump it into soapy water FAST -- your whole place will be infested!


After further inspection and research it wasn't mites, it was worse, mold, really bummed, cleaned and aired out best i could, time will tell but pretty sure i'm screwed, trichomes on larger bud starting to turn mold white :cuss:


New Member
Mold Blows , no pun intended .. I have lost a few buds throughout the years to grey mold and rarely yellow but have seen that one too ..15 % water content is max , beyond this and it will be a moldy mess ..


Well-Known Member
hurry up and cook it into some edibles... mold should die in the oven and will be safe to eat.. better than a complete loss


Unfortunately my fiancee might kill me if i tried and i've never tried anything like that really. Ive read water cure or freeze it but neither options have great reviews from what ive read, no one seems to agree.....