what the f*ckkkkkkk is with the paper towel stuff lol


Active Member
Are you talking about germinating them before you just throw them in the soil? If yes, then they shuld be germinated between a sponge or a paper towel until the little white tips pop up then plan the seeds white tip down.
I grow for personal only but I have had a 100% (don't fail me now) success rate with just dropping beans into moist soil and waiting 3-5 days.

100% and I'm a total noob.


Well-Known Member
i use the paper towel method because i don't have a humidity dome (i know they can be made easily) but i've had great success in germinating seeds with soaking and the paper towel method. i'd say an 80% success rate usually. maybe the reason the high success rate with noobs and germinating is because alot of us are trying to find the absolute best beans in our bag to grow with. Opposed to ordering from a seedbank where you cant exactly pick and choose which seeds you want to grow with... forgive me if the sounds fucking stupid ...i'm high.


Well-Known Member
i use the paper towel method because i don't have a humidity dome (i know they can be made easily) but i've had great success in germinating seeds with soaking and the paper towel method. i'd say an 80% success rate usually. maybe the reason the high success rate with noobs and germinating is because alot of us are trying to find the absolute best beans in our bag to grow with. Opposed to ordering from a seedbank where you cant exactly pick and choose which seeds you want to grow with... forgive me if the sounds fucking stupid ...i'm high.
you don't sound stupid....... try this cheap methode...plastic beer cup with a few holes in the bottom fill up half way with soil drop beans in push bean into soil and cover than raid moms kitchen sor som seranwrap put it over the cup maybe you could improve that 80% success rate

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Fresh seeds don't need any soaking or paper towel. Keep them 1/4 inch under the soil surface. 1/4inch is VERY shallow, so the seed should barely be covered by soil, but covered completely.

Older seeds may benefit from a pre-germination soak in water. But never use a paper towel. You don't need to handle any delicate seeds/taproots.


Active Member
If you weren't born before my first attempt to grow(1976) and your opinion differs from mine, then it's Mr. Moron to you, thanks.

OK, the book was written waaaayyyy back then......when dirt meant dirt.... half clay, half rock...all nasty with bacteria, mold and fungus....and the difference was that 40% would survive 7 days in there compared to 80% pre-germed and only 3 days from sprouting, as it were.... With today's sterilized, pastuerized potting mix, infinite nutes and additives......it's likely less of a concern........so very much more "grower's choice" than before.............Can we agree on that point? Both methods can be affected by user error.....excess water being first on the list......so I'm not sure either is a clear winner......I always say try both and keep the one that works for you.
I can say that it will be far more important to you if you are buying Sensi seeds @ $10+ each!! For what it's worth....I have tried both ways for both soil and rockwool.... If I had 1 seed right now that the mother of all plants was guaranteed to be in......I'd use the paper towel........because I'm confident in it.
I haven't planted a seed in quite some time. I just couldn't handle the heartache of killing your best plant because it was a male.....every single time......(please, none of your hermi fem speeches, thanks)

So now I'm Mr. Moron because I do hydro not soil, clone not seed, think femenized seeds are evil incarnate and would use a paper towel if I had a seed to germ. I apologize for my total ineptitude....how I make it through the day is beyond me..... Ok, enough sarcasm, I'm sure it's lost on some folks.
For those that would like to try the paper towel method.........Don't get the paper towel sopping, damp is good enough. I like tapwater..the chlorine prevents fungus and disapates within a day or so) Fold it down to fit a small ziplock bag, put the seeds in the middle fold, breathe into the bag(or don't) and seal it, toss it on top of the fridge and check it a few times a day..you have to unseal and unfold so you're replacing the air in the bag each time......As Soon as the shell cracks and you see white, use a plastic spoon to scoop it up and plant it 1/4-1/2" in the medium of your choice..... I believe touching the taproot with your hand will kill them.....don't wait for a root to grow or it's easier to hurt them. As long as the medium isn't packed around the seed, gravity will turn it right side up so "pointing" it isn't important..... This is my somewhat educated opinion and it works for me. I point to my garden pics as evidence of my right to have an opinion and accept that it in no way means you have to share it..... I am quite content to stay here....stoned and stupid.......

Ok....I poked a little fun at me, so how I need to poke fun at something else......how about the whole "mother nature" argument........as I recall, mother nature gave us single harvest, land based, seedy swag......father science gave us cross breeding, hybrid vigor, hydroponics, aero, SOG, sensimillia, co2 injection..........which works better??

Hell people...I don't care how you do it....Just grow some, smoke some and chill out a little. Have a great day and Happy New year, my fellow enthusiasts.........Peace.


Well-Known Member
i find the fap root comes out quicker frm paper towel when i put into starter cubes took 6 days to break ground..... paper towel they usually pop in 24 hrs or so and have first set of leaves by dy 4 but its dodgy wit the root being exposed for a short while u do have 2 be careful with em, either way does the trick but paper is slightly quicker i think