What soil should I start with?

ok so places like Home Depot that have bags of dirt for sale and keep them outside is questionable. Im tired of bringing home bags that have bugs already well nested inside. Never have ordered seeds for fear of the cops. so using bagseeds from some decent bags is currently what I got. got 3 cfls that can do the job in beginning and going to get a 600w HPS once I find some good dirt. any brand names you would recommend for dirt? All input is appreciated and remember Im not a George Cervantes here.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i get mine from a local plant nursery. they grow all their ornamentals, vegetables and herbs with it. works great. GL


Well-Known Member
Fox Farms. Or Pro Mix BX. Now Pro Mix is soilless. But you can buy Miracle Gro soils anywhere. Mix a bag of their seedling mix, an equal amount of Pro Mix and add a couple pounds perlite/vermiculite/horticultural pumice along with some dolomite lime and you're good to go.


Well-Known Member
I got a 12 quart bag of Ocean Forest (Fox Farms) on E-bay for something like $21 bucks delivered. Love it, nice and loamy. I did mix it with some regular top soil to make it go farther, don't have the money to do straight FF. I did however buy some Kangaroots and gave them a nice little watering earlier today to get the root balls built up. Good luck man!
I would recommend Fox Farms Ocean Forest or their cheaper alternative called happy frog. If you don't want to go through the shipping process pick up a bag of miracle grow organic potting soil and add around 20% perlite for drainage and aeration. don't get any miracle grow that says "feeds up to 4 months" or "slow release fertilizer" that will mess with your nutrient regime. adding sphagnum peat moss doesn't hurt either. Happy growing!
Thanks so much guys. found a place that has some fox farm bags so I think I will try it. there is a bag that is 2cubic feet. is that enough for a 5 gallon bucket?
and yes, I tried a bag of miracle grow nut release and it had bugs in it, didn't notice till I watered earlier and tons of little white/gray bugs started running around. I plan on ditching it and never going with it again. but is a 2 cubic feet bag enough for 1-2 plants?


Ursus marijanus
and yes, I tried a bag of miracle grow nut release and it had bugs in it, didn't notice till I watered earlier and tons of little white/gray bugs started running around. I plan on ditching it and never going with it again. but is a 2 cubic feet bag enough for 1-2 plants?
One cubic foot is over seven gallons.

I like Fox farms a lot so long as you don't try to use it more than once. My Happy Frog went to **** upon dry storage.

Those white-gray bugs (did they jump like fleas?) are probably springtails. They eat rot just as earthworms do. cn
yea man when I was watering I did a full flush and I mean like tons were crawling around the top of the soil it was insane. grabbed a thumb full of dirt and got a few of the bugs on my hand and they bounced around like 2inches per jump in the palm of my hand
this was from a bag of miracle grow from Home Depot which they store outdoors so Im the idiot for even buying those bags. shoulda known that staying outdoors in high heat with casual rain could ruin a bag of dirt for indoor use.


Well-Known Member
Of all MG..their organics works. Add 30% perlite and a Tbsp dolomite lime per gallon.