What should I name my new seed company



1. Three friends meet up in the neighborhood. They decided to go to the local park to smoke a joint together. One of them ran inside his house to tell his mom that he and the guys were going to hang out. A few minutes later he came out and said, "Fuck man...I can't go, my grandmas coming over!" His friends were visibly annoyed by this. One exclaimed, "Foilage man! That's fuckin' foilage!"

2. A guy is in a bar flirting with a female, hoping to take her home and have sex with her. Another man comes along and starts flirting with her as well. He wins her over and she goes home with him instead. The guy looks down at his crotch and whispers, "foilage".

Provided by the good old urban dictionary. (:



What I getting at is "Foilage Seed Co", it simply "workx". Hey, just gave you a slogan.
Looks like this thread is dying down. I have a question. How do you guys feel about defoliation? And should I get a cob setup or hps?