What Progressives Hopefully Learned From Russiagate

Nope. As I said before there are no critical thinkers in the Republican Party, there are no free thinkers in the Republican Party and there are no decent human beings in the Republican Party, basically a mixed bag of shit.
I can't say I have heard you once here actually make or defend an argument. You mostly just hold Bucks hand and throw insults.
Are you just bumping this thread so hopefully the lie that is this title sticks in peoples minds?

Because no matter how many racist tweets Trump does his army of trolls is going to have a hard time getting this lie to stick. People are onto it now, and it is impossible to keep it going.
Are you just bumping this thread so hopefully the lie that is this title sticks in peoples minds?

Because no matter how many racist tweets Trump does his army of trolls is going to have a hard time getting this lie to stick. People are onto it now, and it is impossible to keep it going.
BREAKING: Judge Dismisses DNC Hacking Lawsuit Against Trump Campaign Over Election Interference
by Cristina Laila July 30, 2019 99 Comments

Federal Judge John G. Koeltl for the U.S. District of New York on Tuesday dismissed a lawsuit by the DNC against the 2016 Trump campaign, Donald Trump, Wikileaks, the Russian government, and others associated with so-called Russian election interference.

The DNC first filed this lawsuit a little more than a year ago and all of the defendants in the case claimed the First Amendment protects the dissemination of stolen materials.

Another Democrat fail and more winning for Trump.

Judge Koeltl, a Bill Clinton appointee wrote in his Tuesday ruling that Trump and the members of his campaign have First Amendment rights and are therefore shielded from the allegations.

The judge also wrote in his 81-page opinion that Russia could not be sued in US courts for election interference and said the DNC’s argument was “entirely divorced” from the facts.

The federal judge absolutely destroyed the Democrat National Committee in his ruling and said that even if the Trump campaign took ‘stolen material’ from Russian hackers it would not be a crime as long as they did not participate in the actual hacking.

This ruling is a huge win for Trump, members of his campaign and the First Amendment.

Fox News reported:

A federal judge in frank terms has dismissed a lawsuit by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) against key members of the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks over hacked DNC documents, saying they “did not participate in any wrongdoing in obtaining the materials in the first place” and therefore bore no legal liability for disseminating the information.

The ruling came as Democrats have increasingly sought to tie the Trump team to illegal activity in Russia, in spite of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s findings that the campaign in fact refused multiple offers by Russians to involve them in hacking and disinformation efforts.

However, Judge John Koeltl, a Bill Clinton appointee sitting in the Southern District of New York, wrote in his 81-page opinion Tuesday that the DNC’s argument was “entirely divorced” from the facts.

“In short, the DNC raises a number of connections and communications between the defendants and with people loosely connected to the Russian Federation, but at no point does the DNC allege any facts … to show that any of the defendants — other than the Russian Federation — participated in the theft of the DNC’s information,” Koeltl said.

“Nor does the DNC allege that the defendants ever agreed to help the Russian Federation steal the DNC’s documents,” he added.

Even better, Judge Koeltl dismissed the lawsuit with prejudice which is a huge defeat for the Democrats meaning the case had massive legal flaws and cannot be refiled.

Read the 81-page opinion by clicking here.

Sounds about right, Russia can't be sued

The Russian government was clearly “the primary wrongdoer” for hacking into Democratic computers and funneling purloined documents to WikiLeaks to disseminate, found Judge John G. Koeltl of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. But as a foreign sovereign, he wrote, Russia was immune from any liability.

The other two (wiki leaks and Trump) got away on 1st amendment rights.

Lets see what they find when the investigations come out that followed the money, I am betting there will be some links found there, but I am really expecting some new Saudi Arabia dirt getting aired. MBS won't give a shit, he is immune like Putin, but Trump won't be able to dodge that if he did anything with them that can be traced.

Now Trump is selling them the shit he is upset that Iran has but better.
No, I wasn't talking about you- until you just included yourself in the group of those who spew personal insults rather than discuss the issues in a mature fashion.
Well look whose quote she included before you mouthed the fuck off. So you have problems comprehending written English? Of course you do because you don’t even mention that part, numbnuts.
No, I wasn't talking about you- until you just included yourself in the group of those who spew personal insults rather than discuss the issues in a mature fashion.
You are saying this but you don't discuss the issues. You preach, you rave, you rant, you lie - but all of it is nothing more than a jeremiad against anybody who doesn't believe what you believe or support who you support. When you get called out on your worthless source material or caught in an outright lie you just ignore it, run away and then come back to rave some more. And because of this, nobody takes you seriously (ok, it doesn't help that you are a serial woman abuser, sex trafficker and a predator).

And insults and personal attacks? Lol, you do as much as anybody else. Don't confuse the fact that you get insulted with an indication that we won't argue the issues. It isn't that. It's that we don't respect you because you are a fraud who won't discuss the issues. Don't confuse the personal attacks with some indication of the power of your argument. It isn't powerful, most of us just consider you a repugnant slimeball.

But you are a narcissist; there's no room in your worldview for anything that doesn't stroke your ego.