Hahahaha, practicing germinating? If you're this intense about planting a seed, you're going to kill your plants. Don't get me wrong, I love the enthusiasm! GROW THAT SHIT GO GO GOGOGOGO!!
Just poke a hole, cover it with dirt, keep it moist. If the seed is alive, it will come up. Honestly I get the same germination rate from my ganja seeds and the normal garden plants I toss down in the hundreds.
They evolved to be tough enough they can grow by just falling onto the ground.
I cannot give more heartfelt advice than 'Do less' for this grow. When in doubt, do nothing. Weed has the reputation of being hard to grow because hypercrazed potheads do too much and kill the things. I had two plants sprout in the part of my yard the dogs shit in from a palm full of beaners I tossed out of the garage.
Its gonna be great man. Don't put all that pressure on yourself of growing THE BEST MOTHER FUCKING WEED ON THIS MOTHER FUCKING PLANET! Any tomato plant that gets grown at home with regular simple care will stomp the shit out of a grocery store tomato. You're raising some homegrown weed. It'll be great. Don't overdo it.
Sorry for the novel, I'm pretty smoked up.