what makes schwag or stress, exactly that?


Active Member
Whoa all that show me ur finished ain't what I'm about ill tak u from start to finish and leave u guessing that's my style. I never show my hand ur just a dumbass id have ur ip already and looking for ur house to send one of my black buddies in since u like to show the world how much they can score. I hope sumone kicks ur door in I'm sure they will ur probably one of those dudes that let's everyone and there mother kno that they are growin

You comment makes as much sense as the attached pic.



Well-Known Member
You comment makes as much sense as the attached pic.
haha its true. and by the way dude, im medical, so I can fucking invite the cops into my apartment, show them my setup, ask them if they like it, and then kick there asses to the curb if i wanted to.

You can leave us guessing, but all that says to me is your either fucking paranoid over mouse nuts, or you botched ur harvest. Which there is no shame in, most newbs start out like that.


Well-Known Member
Save the cock measurin contest for when ur crossing swords with ur boyfriend. Look at my last posted in the journal pussy call me a liar idc. Just kno that one of my plant had over 11 oz on it so go figure what everything was u see those massive colas all over the place each one was dried to about an oz man. Anybody with eyes can tell I bested u. Fuck ur life storm.
hah. im sure. I'm done tryin to argue with the retard, i'll let the other people call bullshit, and have a nice day bro.



Well-Known Member
lol @ your internetz friends. your soo coool.
pre pubecent? lol good one
+ im a chick, and im not gay.
how are the dicks treatin ya? lol fudge packer.

btw my chanel purse, is probably worth more money than you make in a month


New Member
Hey storm ur livin the dream but I wouldn't show ur grow to sum of the teens in my neighborhood becuz even they wood laugh u can't get even a gram a watt and ur still callin me a noob. Go figur, fuk off pot don't call me black


Well-Known Member
its not only mexicans that are smugling it. it could be the blacks
Or the Canadians!!!

Oh and to the op schwag is schwag if u don't kno by now what schwag is and u have to create a thread just to find out kill urself becuz u are a waste of space and oxygen this planet would be a lot better off if it wasn't filled with dumbasses like u. My avatar is probably ur pic isn't. its funny I googled dumbass and this is what came up
Wow...you are not nice:fire:

Lol, welcome to rollitup!

but thats usually not how we play here.

We'll let the fighting escalate some until some absolutely retarded cussbabble comes out of the squabbing parties, and then give em a slap on the wrist or a temp ban.

I'm waiting boys :)
It won't be long now...

Listen I just changed ur mothers tampon after nutin in it I don't need to spel rite fuk head if u have intelgence u stil get the idea. Clearly another kid I'm messin with my new babies I dojnt have time to spell rite and when u have kil like I do u don't need to be drunk u better step ur game up if ur driven to drinkin I got smoke that will have u sea sick u schwag stick faggot
Yeah bitch try 24. Go jag off and then a gay joke ur really creative.
Wow, I was going to say closer to 14 :confused:

Yeah e-thug ur hard as hell if this weren't a weed forum where I've posted more than a few joints id gladly give u an address u could cum and get ur face fuked up at but this isn't so ill just take it out on sumone at the gym. And u better believe I would say it rite to his retarded ass because I'm sure I'm skilled enuff to whip sumone with cerebal palsy.
What is your problem????

Save the cock measurin contest for when ur crossing swords with ur boyfriend. Look at my last posted in the journal pussy call me a liar idc. Just kno that one of my plant had over 11 oz on it so go figure what everything was u see those massive colas all over the place each one was dried to about an oz man. Anybody with eyes can tell I bested u. Fuck ur life storm.
Wow...So suddenly I thought...maybe we are dealing with some super cool grower dude, rather than an underage punk...so I checked out his journal...and as long as the dude does not care I will go ahead and call him a liar...maybe would have got 11 zips total if only...well here, I'll let the dude tell you...

the dreaded but rot, thread over, piss off.



Damn hayduke I used to like u but now ur on the save a retard bandwagon. Did everybody wake up and think wow I'm gonna save a dumfuk from bein flamed today. Boy u detectives sure wood like to see that dried product well fuk u piggy I got plenty. That's all u need to know.

Well, I'll give you a hint: Fuck yourself.


Well-Known Member
Damn hayduke I used to like u but now ur on the save a retard bandwagon. Did everybody wake up and think wow I'm gonna save a dumfuk from bein flamed today. Boy u detectives sure wood like to see that dried product well fuk u piggy I got plenty. That's all u need to know.
Then smoke it...and stop abusing other members...oh, and don't accuse me of trying to save you:fire:



New Member
By the way I'm not abusing anyone. If this guy doesn't kno what schwag is he clearly has never even burned so how did he even get here. Clearly a cop tryin to learn street slang so he can be an undercover narc. Agent or not who cares. I have rollitup as my home screen and I hate seein shit like "what is schwag", "oh fucked up again" as the featured threads its aggravating. I cum here to learn new things not shit that should be found out as a youth while dabbling.


New Member
Yeah I'm sure it was six minute too man. That shit seems to happen to me all the time. I've gotten chsnge from food that was 6.66 and one time I had like 8 bucks bought a candy bar and said put the rest ont the pump and it wood only give me 6.66 worth.


Well-Known Member
Fuk u bc go suk hayduke and he'll tell u how to fuk up with cfls and soil.
This is true...cuz I have done it! My journal is over a year and a half long...I am still fooking up (though not like straight to flower from clones and cfl's anymore;)) The seldom seen garden journal is now seldom updated...got sick of taking pics...thought it was not a good idea for a while, as I often had a couple of plants over my limit...but the doc took care of that for me...

I do not claim to be a pro...I enjoy what I grow and have more than I know what to do with...I luckily have not had "but [sic] rot" but have had thrips...been gone for a while...but would gladly trade them for the spider mites that I have been trying to fight without chemicals...I can kill them all and the eggs on the plants but not in the environment!:wall:

That being said...I would not berate another member for his/her lack of ability to grow...that is a bit silly and mean. Why is it that you feel it necessary to be mean to others over the internet? Does it make you feel better about yourself?...it's cool dude...my mom didn't hug me either...it's gonna be ok:hug:



Active Member
Yeah e-thug ur hard as hell if this weren't a weed forum where I've posted more than a few joints id gladly give u an address u could cum and get ur face fuked up at but this isn't so ill just take it out on sumone at the gym. And u better believe I would say it rite to his retarded ass because I'm sure I'm skilled enuff to whip sumone with cerebal palsy.
If this dude is really 24 u have the maturity of a 10 year old just a typically troll tryin to get no attention and maken up lies cuz he has no real life poor poor kid:dunce:


New Member
And like I said if he doesn't know what schwag is why is he here clearly not even a smoker. I don't bash legitimate questions just useless ones that lead to me zapping multiple morons


New Member
Is this really filled with sheep. Damn I thought at least 1 person wood see my point of view. This thread shouldn't have even been in the newbie central. It should have never gone past a google search


There is your problem, dude... You are assuming that the OP doesn't know what schwag is. I don't know why you're assuming this, Because he obviously knows exactly what schwag is. He is asking what causes scwag, Growing conditions, or Genetics. I'll go over where I think your logic is flawed, or at least different than the OPs.

His view:

-Man this schwag that I've been smoking sucks dicks
-I love smoking headies!
-Weed is expensive, so Why don't I just grow it.
-WAIT! I don't wana grow schwag, cus it sucks ass, I want to grow headies.
-RIU!!! What causes schwag to suck?

Your view:

-This kid is asking what schwag is! WTF?!? Why are you here if you don't know what schwag is?
-NO? I misunderstood the question?
-Fuck you guys, suck balls, I could outgrow you motherfuckers, I don't even know why I'm here because all the cool kids left. *FLAME*
-You want proof? Pics of my buds? COPS! No, you can't see pics of my non-existant bud.
-I'm still posting because I'm butthurt, and need to win the e-fight so my peen doesn't feel so shriveled.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
K I didn't read the entire thread so sorry if I say the same stuff as everyone else.

Shwag is the way it is for many reasons. First of all it is grown commercially for profit so there is no love everything is based on profit. There isn't going to be people taking extra care of the plants and the means that they use might not be ideal like chemical fertilizers and pestisides. Secondly since they are grown commercially there is lots of plants imagine huge fields of pot and they can't even pull all the males if they wanted to and than hermaphrodites forget about it. So the weed is pollinated the plants use a lot of their energy growing seeds instead of quality buds. Some operations might not even remove the males at harvest so there is males in the pot to be sold. Than they have to package it so they use water and they compress it which right away will degrade the potency and the excess moisture can also lead to mold and this stuff might be a year old or even older by the time it gets to you who knows? But that is what must be done to get it across the border.

That's not to say all commercial pot is like that, different operations will vary and when the pot is actually harvested it might be killer smoke but usually by the time it gets to you it's not good for the reasons listed earlier. I have smoked "shwag" in mexico which was not compressed it was fire! Also sometimes you can actually get quality weed from commercial I have had a few times where I could pick up ounces of really good commercial for 50$/oz which I would buy over a 300-400$/oz for kind bud plus you get some seeds to grow out, but I've only come across those kinds of commercial herb a few times in my life. It's a lot easier to order some seeds that you know what to expect from.