what makes schwag or stress, exactly that?


I had a couple Blackberrys, and broke the screens, so Now I've got my iPhone.

... I do miss brickbreaker, though.

I had a friend who grew bagseed from schwag, and I really didn't get to see his grow room, but the bud turned out to be middies at best. I guess all that cross pollination makes for genetically diverse seeds, and he got some pussies.


Well-Known Member
lol how do you know?

im on my blackberry going on a road trip dumbass

and now your the one whos assuming


Well-Known Member
LMFAO you both sound like little fucking kids and im probably younger than you both. grow the fuck up adn stop arguing over the internet. Go grow some ganja, smoke some ganja, and be happy. :) Or you guys can keep bitching like little girls and i can keep lmao at you losers. HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH comical.


Well-Known Member
??? I added to what? I guess in a way i did because i was talking shit but like thedude said this shits amusing. Just had to contribute my 2 cents. Im down to stay in this pointless thread and talk some shit n smoke some blunts. STD i think u just need some attention. You and thedude keep going at it because your my entertainment till my girl gets home. Or i can join in and make this real intersting. LOL Smoke a blunt and relax. Or just pack a bowl depend on your situation.


Well-Known Member
Lmao a girl calling guys faggot? Wow Really now..Thats comical. You know how fucking ignorant that makes you sound. Usually guys insult guys with faggot. Ill prove to any bitch i aint been gay a day in my life, ur just asking to get the shit fucked out of u. LOL. but too bad your no where near your avatar.


Well-Known Member
i dont need attention, i think thedude does.

im just bored, i'm in a fucking car driving to B.C
( im not the one whos driving )and i cant get high.

LMAO@ you .. yeah, thats me in my avatar.


Well-Known Member
:( i feel sorry for u. Im taking a puf for u as i type. Not the best but all i got at the minute. BTW not no shwag. I wanna go to bc and get some b.c. buds that would b dank. now im jealus of someone i feel sorry for. lmao.. im stoned.. the dude does need attention but for u to keep feeding him seems like your enjoying it yourself. If your really bored go check out my grow. Its my first attempt and it only gets better. Im hella noob and could use all the help i can get. :)


Well-Known Member
thedude your a fucking trip man. LMFAO .. u said fuk u save a tard.. lmao some shit like that.. thats comical bro.. but shit lay off the chica, i think she startin to like u. lol


Well-Known Member
im on my second grow you dumbass. im hiding my face so if
i come across someone i know or someone who lives in my town,
they dont reconize me.


Well-Known Member
Lmao thedude ur a trip.. lmao.. gots a good point tho.. lol.. maybe she gets down in the garden dude.. never doubt the power of a female.. but then again maybe not..
and ya that would be sik if u checked out my grow. Got to many views for the help i get.. C u guys around. this threads dead// Byebye


Well-Known Member
std share your grow... but otherethan that u shouldnt put ur face on this site regardless its just burnt. and ya i know i said id join in on the shit talking but then id be hella contradicting myself. So ill let you to fall deeper in love.. LOL.. hope to c ya outside this thread on a positive note. :) STAY HIGH