what legal state is the best to live in and why?

That's pretty neat! I've been through San Francisco and it's way too busy for me but was fun. Really looking for a quiet town oitside of a bigger city. I'll look T sanfransiscos surrounding towns!
40 miles north and 12 miles west you will find the spot I'm talking about. This place would blow your mind!!! Small town comunities all over. Oh yea and the towns script requires 30 plants.
Having these 2 dogs is really the hardest part of trying to move. They're like my kids but whatever decision I make has to put them first. Both pits.
Everyone has pits here bro. I have 2 you have 2, your future neighbor has one. She's a lez though so don't get hurt feelings if you try to make a move on her and she aint having it. But she's cool as a mother fucker!!!! And if your cool she will get you laid!!! Promise all that. Were like living in the clouds out here!!!!
Everyone has pits here bro. I have 2 you have 2, your future neighbor has one. She's a lez though so don't get hurt feelings if you try to make a move on her and she aint having it. But she's cool as a mother fucker!!!! And if your cool she will get you laid!!! Promise all that. Were like living in the clouds out here!!!!
sounds great! I'll scope out the area online.