What kind of bug???


New Member
I just noticed that two of my plants have either holes or like a chunk missing out of a couple leaves. Can someone help me identify what this might be?? First picture is of one of my plants with a couple leaves missing and the second and third pictures are of the plant with a couple holes and the leaves are starting to get wrinkly and light green. Thanks a lot everyone



New Member
Really??? That would be great but then any clue on what could cause the leaves to look like the do in picture #2?? Its only my second grow so im still getting used to diagnosing problems


Well-Known Member
I had same problem. Never could find any bugs though. Sprayed with azamax just to make sure. Got my pH under control and new growth didn't have any holes in them.


Well-Known Member
What nutes are you using?
Looks like your ph is off and your soil might have a little too much nitrogen.
I had a similar problem a few years ago and that's what the problem was.


Well-Known Member
The problem I had was very similar except the leaves were a bit greener, I thought something was eating them but when I got a new ph meter I discovered my ph was way off plus for about 5-6 feedings I got my math wrong and overfed with organic nutes so there wasn't any leaf burn etc just really green leaves.
Have you checked ph?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
read frd312's post, very good info. there. looks like you have the beginnings of the claw, usually nitrogen toxicity, and ph issues. ffof/worm castings are nutes/feed, what you ph'ing at?


New Member
My ph meter just broke last week and i just purchased a new one online last night so i don't know right now. Should i just start flushing?


Well-Known Member
If you're gonna be using the FF and worm castings again I would say flush after because if you added no nutes you could have the same problem again or you could leave out the worm castings and flush before.
I'm not familiar with FF, what does the bag say about what's in it?


Well-Known Member
Lookup hemp mosaic virus / tobacco mosaic virus. If she doesn't respond to other treatment then I bet you have it. Some strains don't exhibit the twist as much but yield is hurt.


New Member
So one of the plants i posted in the first post, the second and third picture, it turned out to be male and the first photo i posted ended up being female.

SnapsProvolone I looked it up and I could somewhat see the resemblance to the plant that turned out to be male, but none of my other plants have been affected yet and of what I read, it spreads fairly quickly. They've all been growing together since the beginning so I feel like some other ones would be affected aswell. I'm posting more pictures of the first plant again and if you think you see this virus please let me know! I'm pretty sure I don't see anything unusual other than part of the growths are missing and some clawing... which I believe people told me was a PH problem??

Thanks a lot everyone for the helpIMG_1275.jpgIMG_1274.jpgIMG_1273.jpg


New Member
Appreciate it guys! My PH meter will be here by monday so I can test that. I'm also going to flush and I'll update you guys on what happens