What items should be in every growers toolbox?


Well-Known Member
Different strains have different intensity of smell. You can have 6 that don't make much of a difference and the a 7th that just makes the space insane.
Thats good info , I was wondering.. Cause all ive ever heard my whole life is that 1 plant can reek so bad, you smell before entering a home. So i was shocked at week 5-6 flower and the odor was still super mild for 3 plants. They went through heat stress one night, early in veg while under 24/0 light , my AC cut off and by morning the grow hit 95* and like 100% humidity , ( my humidifier didnt kick off either, i was totally screwing my 3rd week of veg) . Needless to say, they looked so sad the next day, i thought they were goners, all the leaves died and i had to cut them off. The plants were literally just 1 stem sticking out of the dirt. 3 months of veg later, they recovered fully . i was wondering if somehow over heating them made them lose the heavy chronic odor


Well-Known Member
I have been running the same one for over five years. I also laugh when I go out in the backyard thinking about the skunk smells wafting over to the anti-pot lady next door. :bigjoint:

I keep thinking, "I'll put the filter up today." - but haven't so far.

My neighbors are close - but most consume, one works at a local dispo and a few grow. :bigjoint:

There is one neighbor that doesn't approve. He isn't liked by anyone anyway - and his house is downwind! :lol: :leaf:


Well-Known Member
What do feel are some essential and nice to have items in your grow kit?


Temp/Humidity meters
EC Meter
PH Meter

Nice to have:

PAR sensor
Multimeter with Amp clamp
Soldering Iron
Laser Thermometer (my next purchase I think)
1)Fiskar shears or any thin precise bladed type snippers, curved blades help a lot. $10-18
2)Bungee cords (You never know. I have a couple helping hold up a pole/fan clipped to the pole.) $5
3)lots of extra dosage droppers that measure ML for mixing nutes if using liquid. They crack like a straw, and act identical when broken. 4/$1
4) isopropyl alcohol / H2O2 $3
5) bendable plant ties with rubber coating. $8
6) measuring tape
7) electric tape
8) some wee to roll up or pack a bowl while you take care of the babies :bigjoint:
9) bamboo stakes 4' size. Can be used as supports, or to even help battle walls sucking in due to negative pressure.

I'm high as shit lol that's all I could come up with without looking in my bag of tricks.


Well-Known Member
Thats good info , I was wondering.. Cause all ive ever heard my whole life is that 1 plant can reek so bad, you smell before entering a home. So i was shocked at week 5-6 flower and the odor was still super mild for 3 plants. They went through heat stress one night, early in veg while under 24/0 light , my AC cut off and by morning the grow hit 95* and like 100% humidity , ( my humidifier didnt kick off either, i was totally screwing my 3rd week of veg) . Needless to say, they looked so sad the next day, i thought they were goners, all the leaves died and i had to cut them off. The plants were literally just 1 stem sticking out of the dirt. 3 months of veg later, they recovered fully . i was wondering if somehow over heating them made them lose the heavy chronic odor
It can be strain dependent, pheno dependent, or environmental. Could be a combination of some or all as well.


Well-Known Member
My neighbor and I have a coop grow and we were not among the most liked people in our neighborhood. We had 30 pretty large plants in about a 1/3 acre. The neighbors also have an inlaw apartment for granny with Alzheimer's....they made sure to grow her share too.
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Well-Known Member
After all the nesseties to grow, my most important tool is a black sharpie marker and my clipboard of notes. I make beans, so keeping things straight is essential. I have lost more than one keeper, due to poor labeling or miss labeling.


Well-Known Member
I agree: essentials:

1. high quality bud
2. grinder
3. bowl
4. Lighter & hemp string
5. Ash tray / poker
6. Coffee
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Bucket is number one. You need a god damn bucket.
And a 1 gallon watering can that fits inside the bucket, cuts time and effort watering. Fill the 5 gallon bucket up with 4 gallons of water and nutes, adjust ph, then scoop out water a gallon at a time.

5 ml plastic pipettes for measuring liquid nutes and adjusting Ph one drop at a time.

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