before the Turkish Moorish Massacre and Alexander the Great there were a lot more Melinated people in Turkey than there are now. And many people don't know this, but parts of Turkey were considered "Ancient Greece" and some parts of Turkey actually reach back further in to history than Greece. You have heard of "The Midas Touch" right? That comes from Ancient Turkey.


When Americans think of the American revolution they picture a guy, with a musket or a drum, and a floppy red hat. This hat is known as a "Liberty Cap" and it can be found on the U.S. Army Seal/Emblem. The Red Cap in top of a Pole is known as a"Liberty Pole" and it was probably the first ever "Flag" that anyone flew in the air.
This was not something that comes from America though. These hats are an Ancient Turkish tradition. "Ancient Turkey" was known as Phrygia, and the "Liberty Cap" was originally the "Phrygian Cap" thousands of years before America was even a thought. Turkish history has shaped our History more than we know. In ancient Egypt (Kemet), the Pharaoh wanted to know whose language was older. The language of Kemet, or the language of Phrygia, so they raised 2 children in complete isolation in an attempt to find out what language someone would speak with no outside influence. After several years they let the children out and the first word they said was "Bekos" which is Phrygian for "Bread".
There are theories that the Phrygian Cap represents one of Phrygia's favorite Ceremonial Foods. Amanita Muscaria AKA Fly Agaric AKA Alice in Wonderland Mushroom. The effects of which are to make you feel like a giant and give you some extra strength supposedly. But you have to eat like 10 grams and they taste like shit and can kill you if you eat too much. Reindeer eat these mushrooms and they are known for not being easy to break down completely, so people will drink the urine and get the same effects as the Reindeer.
Phrygia is also the source of many words, and in Ancient Turkey they made the very first Rose extracts and perfume (which they still do), but more recently (the past thousand years or so) Turkey has it's own kind of liberty cap. And one that more of us are familiar with, we have all probably seen a Fez.
And at one point the Muslim empires (such as Turkey) were much larger than they are now, there was even a point (a LONG period of time) when Spain was Muslim territory, and the people there were Muslims up until the Christians came and killed them all in the Granada war.
Then there are the Tatars. Ex: The Volga Tatars and the Crimean Tatars, which have largely been forgotten, but after Genghis Khan and the break up of the Mongol empire, the "Golden Horde" was identified with the Western part of the broken Empire.
Volgan Tatars
Crimean Tatars
Lipta Tartars
Siberian Tatars
Baraba Tatars
If you have not seen the Turkish flag, it is a Crescent Moon next to a Star, this is also the symbol of Islam similar to how the Christian symbol is the Cross. If you look at the modern American organization known as "The Shriners" and compare their traditions (which are heavily Islamic) you can see that they have carried on the ideals (if not stole the ideas) and use them today to fund hospitals and communities around America. They even have parades and stuff. But as you can see, their symbol involves a sword being held over a crescent moon and star.
"Saint Nicholas" (the Catholic Saint) AKA "Santa Clause" was a Turkish man, and his hat is a Phrygian Cap, and the North Pole is a Liberty Pole.
Ancient Egypt also used red and white for "Crowns".
And we all know about Pirates, but we usually think of them as dirty European people. But as it turns out the "Barbary Pirates" which really started Piracy looked like this.
Here is a painting of them.