What is your Heritage?

The leaning tower is in Italy. Come on...
See. I thought, "Galileo is Italian, right?", but still as an American, I had no idea it wasn't in France. It's not important in America, it's more important, apparently, that Moses be recognized as a founding father.
Yes... but Columbus discovered a warm weather tropical paradise, Lief probably discovered a frozen paradise...
And both of them pretty much rediscovered the Stone Age. Native America was in the Stone Age, living perfectly happy lives.

Indian Chief 'Two Eagles' was asked by a white government official; "You have observed the white man for 90 years. You've seen his wars and his technological advances. You've seen his progress, and the damage he's done."
The Chief nodded in agreement.
The official continued; "Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?"
The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied.. "When white man find land, Indians running it, no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water. Women did all the work, Medicine Man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex."
Then the chief leaned back and smiled; "Only white man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that."

And when Gandhi was asked what he thought about Western Civilization, he Replied: "I think it would be a good idea."
See. I thought, "Galileo is Italian, right?", but still as an American, I had no idea it wasn't in France. It's not important in America, it's more important, apparently, that Moses be recognized as a founding father.
Moses wasn't even a real dude.
Good point though...
"...And had the Septuagint written, which is the first Bible."

Finshaggy I am very impressed with your comprehensive knowledge of the ancients (unless you're doing copy / paste) but I wanted to correct you on the above statement. The Bible was first written in paleo-Hebrew (very similar to Phoenician), then the scribes adopted the modern "aleph beit". The Septuagint was written by 70 Rabbi's, all housed separately, with nothing but quill, parchment and ink; they were not allowed to have any contact with anyone else and had no scrolls. Each Rabbi wrote the entire Torah (the first 5 books of Moses) from memory. When the king had the 70 scrolls compared, there was not one letter different between all the 70 scrolls - and there are 304,805 Hebrew letters in the Torah. He then commisioned them to translate the entire TaNaKh (the "old" testament) into Greek.

Great thread!!
Moses wasn't even a real dude.
Good point though...
Oh geez... seriously?? There is much more evidence of the life of Moses than your life. He is even mentioned in Egyptian writings, and all the writings of what is now Iran, Iraq, Syria, north Africa, Turkey, and more.
Moses wasn't even a real dude.
Good point though...
I personally think that Moses probably existed, while there is no evidence of Moses or even Slaves in Egypt, there is record of Servants leaving at one time, like a strike. And when the Servants left it caused what may have seemed like plagues when no one was left to do the work.

And again, there is no Egyptian record of Moses, but someone had to write the whole book of Genesis, etc all the way up to Deuteronomy, etc. and someone raised in Egyptian schools as an Egyptian prince makes more sense than anything else.
Oh geez... seriously?? There is much more evidence of the life of Moses than your life. He is even mentioned in Egyptian writings, and all the writings of what is now Iran, Iraq, Syria, north Africa, Turkey, and more.

So, if Moses is in other countries records, is this record of Noah in Phrygia? Because it's as good as any record of Moses.

The name of the earliest known mythical king was Nannacus (aka Annacus). This king resided at Iconium, the most eastern city of the kingdom of Phrygia at that time; and after his death, at the age of 300 years, a great flood overwhelmed the country, as had been foretold by an ancient oracle. The next king mentioned in extant classical sources was called Manis or Masdes.