What is your favorite drug of all time?


Well-Known Member
i never tried ambien honestly ive tried xanax ativan valium klonipin (sp?) but never ambien how is that one
Other than it's propenity to send folks out to buy mcdonalds, drive to visit friends or have wild sex all in their sleep and awake having no memory (or at most a dream of having done so), Ambien is in my opinion useless as a recreation chemical.

I can't tell you how saddened I was to encounter a new benzo at my parent's home, hook down half a dozen of them and feel about nothing but a blank, characterless dull quality.

It was far better when my father had prescribed himself a 500 tab bottle of 5 mg valium. course when he discoverred that a quarter of the jar was missing after a week or so and thought that maybe HE was taking all of them, he got rid of the bottle.

I recall asking him why he stopped taking them and he said he didn't want to become addicted, where I said it was a pity, as he was far easier to live with under the continuing influence. I suppose I should have told him i was the one stealing them all.


Virtually Unknown Member
.....nothing but a blank, characterless dull quality.
As much as I tried to abuse anything in this drug family, I ended up calling them all psycho-downs. Didn't like them at all. BTW, should the word "propenity" embarrass me? I know it's not much to look at but still..


Well-Known Member
I just looked at scopolomine - it is akin to muscaramine or it has properties that interact with the muscamole receptors (are there such things?) So it is like fly agaric and now that i think of it - there were some similarities. I really don't recommend either.


Well-Known Member
As much as I tried to abuse anything in this drug family, I ended up calling them all psycho-downs. Didn't like them at all. BTW, should the word "propenity" embarrass me? I know it's not much to look at but still..

I don't think so, now... where the helll DID I put that "s"? propensity if anything it should embarass me.


New Member
Does it burn when you piss? Does your pecker have little sores that don't hurt? Yet?
Haha, I never tire of being amused by generic cliches like you! Thank you for the comedy value.

You have less chance of contracting an STD from a working girl than you do from a non-working girl. FACT.

The people who have sores on their bits are those who go out and get drunk and put it about (for free) - such as you probably. I'd safely say there is little to no (let's go with 'no') chance that you 'liaise' with women of intelligence and class. I hope you are getting regularly tested.

99% of prostitutes (as in, not the minority subculture of deviants, which you get in all spheres of life, of course) approach safety and contraception with more seriousness and professionalism than you can probably fathom.

Thank you for your time. You may now forget the above, and continue being an ignoramus. :)


Well-Known Member
Half a gram of excellent MDMA and at least an ounce of weed to go with itkiss-ass please


Well-Known Member
That's what I'm talking about!

No way in hell that could be a bad time!
The only time i leave the bong be and roll like its going out of season.:joint: Also i find minging red wine goes top too. I always feel like abusing my throat with smoke and shit wine.


Well-Known Member
The only time i leave the bong be and roll like its going out of season.:joint: Also i find minging red wine goes top too. I always feel like abusing my throat with smoke and shit wine.

Goddamn I miss rolling, I haven't used MDMA since 2011

I'll never forget the feeling of the first time! Probably the best I've ever physically felt in my life, I was asleep and I felt so good it woke me up! I was laying next to my girlfriend and all I wanted to do was kiss and makeout, what an experience!