What is your definition of Happiness?

I live with terrible chronic pain every day and cannabis provides relief. For me happiness is not being in constant pain and being around the people who love and matter to me. It is upsetting that I live in a region that is not so friendly to cannabis. Some people have even told me that it is sad that my happiness depends on an illicit drug. Its just sad because I wouldn't wish my condition on my worst enemy and all im trying to do is live as normal a life as possible and I constantly feel like I am being judged, degraded or getting into trouble. Ohh well, Colorado cant come soon enough for me, im counting the days down :)

I'm sorry you are in pain and good luck in Colorado! :weed:
Sometimes, by the time you realize that you were happy for a litt bit, something else happened to make you unhappy. So happiness for most people is always some memory in the past, and can only reminisce on those memories. But you're making memories right now, so make them happy ones.
blow up your tv, throw away your paper, move to the country, build a home, raise a little garden, eat a lot of peaches, try and find Jesus, on your own--spanish pipe dream, an updated version of Virgil's eclogues and georgics. but that's what i think about when i think about happiness--partnering with the land to sustain a family in communion with that land.
be easy,
Love this :)
Happiness for me is spending time with family and loved ones-
the feeling of being appreciated for being myself.
Relaxing time at the beach, joy and laughter on a
daily basis with my Lady. You contribute to my happiness
CK, and this cat Loves you for it !! <3
You were the missing "strain" in my life lol indicat33 <3 I love you dearly!
You were the missing "strain" in my life lol indicat33 <3 I love you dearly!
Lmao, well there is an "Alien" strain out there indeed. From the Joker Seeds Collection, in the OLD Marc Emery catalogue ;-)_~ We're going to have a happy and GREEN summer this year !! Here's to hoping /planning----->
Lemon Kush (female seed co.) 100 % Germination yesterday -
sunning on my windowsill - shitty pic, but u get the idea
Lmao, well there is an "Alien" strain out there indeed. From the Joker Seeds Collection, in the OLD Marc Emery catalogue ;-)_~ We're going to have a happy and GREEN summer this year !! Here's to hoping /planning----->
Lemon Kush (female seed co.) 100 % Germination yesterday -
sunning on my windowsill - shitty pic, but u get the idea
LooL, I'm HIGH.... <3 You my CK ... (you're my strain "Comfortable Kickback") a refined F1 Hybrid of sublime qualities. Xoxoxo
when clayton bigsby leaves the site for a few months.


sitting in a boat with a grill on it, smoking a joint, fishing, and watching football at the same time.
When your at the side show and you whipping em while bumping a mac named dre and you hit a figure 8 right before you wrap your shit around a tree... bay area happiness. ...yaddidaii mean