What is wrong with the bigger plant?

It just started to do this about 2 days ago.The leaves are curling inwards and the leaves are drooping. slight yellowish color too. and im not sure what could cause it


Well-Known Member
could be ph but at the moment im worried more about your drainage your soil looks very loamy with little to no sand.maybe she has wet feet and its fucking with her , she does look overwaterd.


Active Member
Are the curling leafs crispy or soft to the touch? Are u using perlites and proper drenage at the bottom of ur bucket???
i have proper drainage and i have since moved her into better soil. she seems to be doing slightly better even with having been transplanted.
i was using nutes fox farm , and my watering schedule was every 3 days with a light foliar feeding inbetween. i Think there was something bad in the soil they were in. i have 6 clones now that are taking like crazy! ( 3 Maui skunk x1 and 3 purple power) and my lights are a 400w mh and about 150w (actual) in cfls for supplemental lighting


Well-Known Member
ok if us tarted the nutes from seedling that could have been it im sure if u flushed that tree wen that happened it coulda been ok (like put a litre water of fresh water) but the soil looks like it coulda done it...also if ur lights are low ur leaves will turn yellow and soon dry out (yellow are crispy wen touched) thats from the heat if thats the case...do u have fans?
yeah, i thought i had it all right. i have good ventilation,fans, the lights are just high enough, i didn't nute until after 2 weeks either and in very small doses. the Ph of the soil was INCREDIBLY high for some reason. i scratched that project and have the clones now in GOOD soil.